[This message has been edited by Good Luck (edited 02-03-2001).]作者: Jessamine 时间: 2001-2-3 22:57
Dear Webmaster:
I learned from your BBS that the amount of bank account will affect the amount of the aid.I don't think the goverment have no right the check the exact money of one's account.Is it right that the interest and the money paid by employer -check (for single) are the factors affecting the aid? I have deposited some money in these month, about 2000 cad.Will it affect my bousary and loan a lot? I have no job and got the admission of Concordia. Look forward to your reply.Thank you.
JianhuiW@excite.com 作者: Good Luck 时间: 2001-2-3 22:59
As far as I know that the income does effect the amount of loan and bursary you apply for. The government denpends mainly on your last year tax report to evaluate your financial statuts. Sure there are some other factors which affect your loan and busary application such your marital status and study level and major you are in.
So, your recent deposit in bank does not affect your financial aid application this year. Go ahead, do not worry about that. 作者: MICHAEL 时间: 2001-2-3 23:01