I am not sure what "uncleared" means y metioned.It depends on which specific major y are applying for.
Sorry , i don't familiarize myself with Arts major.
Just continue to click "next" while y fill in the application form online.It doesn't matter if y do something wrong or not qualified,and the system will notice y while y click "next"till y refill in something as what they required, then y could continue filling in next page.
It takes yr time if y are the first to make the application online.
Please,read something carefully when y fill in . Once y click "submit"y have no chance of revise.
Yes,it needs yr TOEFL score if y have never had formal education in Canada after y landed here.
If y have yr permanent resident card, generally the application will be identical to y as Canadian apply to the same major y are interested in.
All that is my personal experience .It is only for referrence .
good luck and take it easy !
Happy New Year! |