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Bell or Vidiotron, who is the best?

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发表于 2005-11-7 23:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<HR style="COLOR: #efefef" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->最近,要更换地址,所以有机会从新选用电话,高速网,和电视:我询到的价格是:(每个月,税前价)
1 l' `# l8 D5 D) H/ r* FBell : 电话:23.45¥, 高速网:29.95¥,卫星电视:32¥5 d- ]# Y0 y8 V# _- N! |
Vidiotron: 电话:15.98¥, 高速网: 37.43¥, 有线电视:37.9(44台)25 -100$(自选台数)+ i# t  B( g4 O. y8 Q  K* I) B

: J& W7 |, C- N请问到底哪家的质量或服务好呢?请各家的用户提提意见。谢谢
发表于 2005-11-7 23:42 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-8 13:25 | 只看该作者
The three services together is :
/ X; h! a! i0 P7 A! g+ T: Z# A( uBell: 23.45+29.95+32=85.4$
. ^1 _) N/ }( f/ e: sVidiotron : 15.98+37.9+32(if I select some channel for 32$)=85.88$. o/ g$ Y& _* D# R3 N, ?3 i( q
Near same price for the two company. This is the bundle price
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发表于 2005-11-8 13:41 | 只看该作者
What about illico package? $69.95. But the internet is not highspeed. And the modem is free, but the receiver is not free.
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发表于 2005-11-8 13:50 | 只看该作者
bell高速网过优惠期,一年合同是35,无合同是44$ I5 j0 n: H) v. u/ p8 I0 G  K
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发表于 2005-11-8 23:43 | 只看该作者
I just cancled my bell service, I felt angry about their express vu tel service.  my sattelite tv havent been working for long, I called them 3 times, and their tone was so bad and impatient! specially those guys have indian accent. finally I made an appointment with the technician, but before the date we set, I decided to cancle bell service, and chang it to videotron.& l( r# R( Y! f- P' V. S8 K- V' \
bell. I paid more or less 125 a month.
( ~/ p/ Y9 r  L% [* Jvideotron. about 75 first three month, 92 the rest of the year.8 t4 v- C% U$ J/ M) @! S4 S! k3 z) k
sattelite doesnt work well according to the weather changing, signal is not stable sometimes.: d# ~2 x" N& C2 f! |3 W0 Z1 s6 C
my videotron package has just started. hope it will go well.
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发表于 2008-6-27 12:56 | 只看该作者
( U' z5 Z0 L) P5 n
) C2 A  U6 v7 S6 S( _: \http://www.acanac.com/
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发表于 2008-6-27 13:07 | 只看该作者


Post by 今天
0 h/ H& s. ]/ G7 P5 \1 b bell高速网过优惠期,一年合同是35,无合同是447 {* g# t3 q# n- o

" l) O, b' z- G+ [) D1 X& ~( O# [; qBELL也限制流量.除非是以前的老用户,一直没有更换PLAN的
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发表于 2008-6-27 17:54 | 只看该作者
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