Children will not bring you credit. if both of the parents working or studying, you may claim expenses. the reason is that the federal will provide you with CCTB (milk expenses) for your kids support. so you cannot fill that item.
Post by zyb123426
急请高手指教,今年联邦税表上的 Schedule 1 中的305行填报 "Amount for an eligible dependant (attach Schedule 5) (maximum $ 7 344) " 这一项,应该如何填报? 去年我们夫妻俩工作收入约为24 000元,有一个1岁的孩子,我以为在这一项上填报 7 344元,可是看到 Guide 里说得很明白,如何已报了配偶的就不能报孩子的,那么孩子的信息应该报到哪里? 对我来说,有无申报孩子,退税差了2000多,个中差别可就大了。