If you think you didn't do anything wrong, you need to sign at the back of the 两张罚单 and send it back, then you wait for a letter to inform you when you need to go to the court to appeal. If you loose at the court case, you pay almost double of the penalty.
Post by xl
今天过路口,过一个黄灯,马上后面来一警车,说我闯了红灯,当时我的小孩也在车上,警察查了一下又说我的小孩坐椅子没有安牢,所以一共开出两张罚单,一张155元及扣3分(闯红灯),一张罚115元又扣3分,我想上述,不知道如何去做,会有什么后果(如果不赢的话),还要额外再交什么费用吗?请有经验的朋友指点.或来电(514)998-8502,谢谢! |