Labour standard in Quebec
500 Rene-Levesque West (about Peel), 26th floor(顶楼)
Region de Montreal
telephone number: 514-873-7061
Toll free number: 1-800-567-4947
Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 4:30pm
http://www.cnt.gouv.qc.ca/en/normes/duree.asp#heures working hour
http://www.cnt.gouv.qc.ca/en/normes/salaire.asp wage---
Minimum wage:
The minimum wage is set by the Government of Québec. However, it is the Commission des normes du travail which supervises the application thereof and which receives complaints concerning the minimum wage.
No benefit having pecuniary value (automobile, accommodations, etc. supplied by the employer) may result in the employee receiving less than the minimum wage.
Start at May 1st, 2006
General wage rate: $7.75/hour
Employees with tips: $7.00/hour
Employee in the clothing industry rate: $8.25/hour.
Working hours:
Presence at work
An employee is deemed to be at work and must be paid:
1º when he is at the disposal of his employer on the work premises and is required to wait for work to be assigned to him;
2º during the time devoted to breaks granted by the employer;
3º during the time of a trip required by the employer;
4º during any trial or training period required by the employer.
The employer is required to reimburse the employee for the reasonable expenses incurred when, at the employer’s request, the employee is required to travel or take part in training
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