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发表于 2003-9-13 00:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

公主连忙招来宫里的大臣们,要他们在黎明前务必查出异乡人的名字,否则他们都得死。大臣们立刻行动起来,倾城搜查,想查出线索。终于,他们捉来了柳儿,并对柳儿严刑拷打。然而柳儿无论怎样也不肯说出太子的名字。公主大怒,叫来刽子手,并对柳儿说如果再不说出太子的名字就将被处死。但是柳儿誓死不从。公主非常惊诧于柳儿的顽强,便问柳儿:“是什么使你有如此的力量连死都不怕?”。“是  --- 爱情!”,柳儿一边说着,一边夺过刽子手的刀刺向自己的胸膛。。。

公主走到皇帝面前,对他说:“父亲,我终于知道异乡人的名字了,他的名字是 --- 爱情!”。


发表于 2003-9-13 03:37 | 只看该作者
的确是个悲惨又感人的爱情故事,我想很多人都向往这样的爱情,但不向往这样的悲剧,正好昨天和一个好朋友电话中谈论了类似的问题,真爱一个人就会愿意为她付出一切,但话又说回来,在现在的社会,在现实生活中,如果付出了很多,得到了一个满意的结果我觉得是很值得的,但是如果得到的是伤害,是一个自己并不想得到的结果,那又何苦呢?毕竟现实不想这个故事!  frown
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发表于 2003-9-13 03:50 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2003-9-13 13:15 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-9-16 10:13 | 只看该作者
Actually Puccini died before he could finish this opera.  So the ending was added by someone else - Would Puccini have chosen to let Liu die?  Also in that opera, Puccini used the melody from Chinese folk music.  

To Freshland - Glad to see there are some opera fans here.  Puccini is one of my favorites too.
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发表于 2003-9-16 10:37 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-17 00:46 | 只看该作者

Yes, you are partly correct. Puccini died before his last opera was finished. But the story was already there, just one other guy(forget his name) finished part of the music of the last act on the base of what Puccini had done. So Liu had no way to be survived. Puccini picked up the melody from Chinese folk song "Jasmin".

I don't know if I could be called an opera fan as my preference mainly focuses on orchestra works such as symphonies and concertos. But I do have some collections on opera. They include Beethoven's "Fidelio", several of Mozart and Weber, some of Verdi, Puccini and Mascagni, and some of Wagner and Richard Straus etc. I rarely buy any CDs in the recent years and, yes, "having no time" is the excuse. I really like to meet some true classical music fans in whatever ways. So you are very welcome to exchange any ideas in this field with me at your convenience.
I appreciate your reply and with the best wishes for your future.

无语, you are absolutely correct !
jadis, are you really a girl ?
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发表于 2003-9-17 15:38 | 只看该作者

Looks like you have quite a variety of operas, so far I have only listened to Italien ones, as I don't fancy German as a lyric language, but actually Strauss' Die Fledermaus isn't that bad.  Don't know about Wagner's operas - any insight on that?

It is said that Puccini used at least eight chinese folk melodies, I could only recognize "Jasmin", - didn't know this melody has been around for so long...  I have been listening to classical music (same as you, mostly orchestral works) for a long time, and only started to listen to Opera last year, the very first one was this "Turandot".  The opera/classical music season is around the corner, if you intend to go see the performances, please let me know, It would be fun to share the experiences.  
Thanks for your wishes and best wishes to you too.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-17 23:29 | 只看该作者

From your posts on other topics I learned that you are a girl, so it's no wonder that you don't like German opera(no offence to you and other females). But it is true that most of female classical music fans only like Italian opera and, regarding to pure music, they only like small piano pieces particularly written by Chopin. Don't be angry. I am not talking about your case   . But you should know that most of operas of Mozart are written in Italian, though he is Austrian.
I am so glad that you give me the info on opera/classical music festival and like to share the experiences with me. I take it as a kind of invitation to some live performances(probably I am stupid here). But to prevent from bringing any trouble to you, I'd rather give it up and just stay here to share sth with you if you don't mind, since also from your posts in other place I learned that you are going pretty well with your boyfriend   .
Do I look like an idiot ?     frown
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发表于 2003-9-18 14:52 | 只看该作者

Thanks for your reply, which I found rather interesting and amusing.      First of all I didn't say that I don't like German operas - I just haven't got around to listen to them yet.  Actually I do intend to, as that would be a good pratice for my German.  Secondly be careful not to stereotype people - how many female classical music fans do you know?.  Thirdly Italien opera, to me, is more of a style, than the nationality of the composer.  I do like Mozart's operas too, you can clearly sense those are the works of a genius, but when I am looking for something passionate, I prefer to listen to Verdi and Puccini.  Not that Mozart's operas are not passionate, but just not my type of passion.

I actually didn't intend to invite you to the performances, as I already bought this season's opera tickets.  But if you also intend to go, it would be fun to chat on the performances that we see - that is what I mean by sharing the experiences.  Also if you know of some good performances that's worth attending, please let me know - another example of sharing.  And yes I have the sweetest gentlest and most exquisite boyfriend whom I love wholeheartedly.  No one compares to him.

As to your last question, the answer is I am not sure as I haven't met you.  You probably know the answer better than I do.
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