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发表于 2006-11-29 21:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
比较倒霉啦:frown: 在interstate 87号限速65 mile的公路上被抓,当时开94mph。。。
发表于 2006-11-29 22:22 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-30 12:39 | 只看该作者


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-1 14:36 | 只看该作者


What are the fines, penalties and points for speeding?   For non-commercial vehicles, the fines and possible prison sentences are:

  <table summary="table for layout" align="center" border="1" cellspacing="0" width="90%">     <tbody><tr>       <td class="content">Speed</td>       <td class="content" align="center" nowrap="nowrap">Minimum fine</td>       <td class="content" align="center" nowrap="nowrap">Maximum fine</td>       <td class="content" align="center" nowrap="nowrap">Possible prison time</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td class="content">up to 10 mph over</td>       <td class="content" align="right">$90</td>       <td class="content" align="right">$150</td>       <td class="content">not more than 15 days</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td class="content">more than 10 mph over - less than 30 mph over</td>       <td class="content" align="right">$180</td>       <td class="content" align="right">$300</td>       <td class="content">not more than 15 days</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td class="content">more than 30 mph over</td>       <td class="content" align="right">$360</td>       <td class="content" align="right">$600</td>       <td class="content">not more than 30 days</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td class="content">inappropriate speed</td>       <td class="content" align="right">$45</td>       <td class="content" align="right">$150</td>       <td class="content">not more than 15 days</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td class="content" colspan="4">Fines increase if your are convicted of more than one speed violation in 18 months.  License is revoked for 3 convictions in 18 months.  Fines may vary for speeding in school zone or restricted highway.  Fines are doubled in work zones.</td>     </tr> </tbody></table>  The driver penalty points are:

  <table summary="table for layout" align="center" border="0" width="90%">   <tbody><tr>     <td valign="top" width="67%">    <table summary="table for layout" align="center" border="1" cellspacing="0" width="80%">     <tbody><tr>       <td class="content" width="261">MPH over speed limit</td>       <td class="content" width="59">Points</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td class="content" width="261">MPH over speed limit not indicated</td>       <td class="content" align="right" width="59">3</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td class="content" width="261">1 - 10 mph</td>       <td class="content" align="right" width="59">3</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td class="content" width="261">11 - 20 mph</td>       <td class="content" align="right" width="59">4</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td class="content" width="261">21 - 30 mph</td>       <td class="content" align="right" width="59">6</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td class="content" width="261">31 - 40 mph</td>       <td class="content" align="right" width="59">8</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td class="content" width="261">More than 40 mph</td>       <td class="content" align="right" width="59">11</td>     </tr>   </tbody></table>     </td>     <td valign="top" width="33%"></td>   </tr> </tbody></table>  In addition to the fines and penalties shown, you will have to pay a state surcharge and possibly a Driver Responsibility Assessment if you receive six or more points on your driver record during a period of 18 months and the violations occurred on or after November 18, 2004.

  Fines are doubled for speeding in a work zone.

你的情况是超速29mile, 最多应该罚$300, 如果在施工路段超速的话, 就要罚2倍$600.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-2 18:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-2 23:39 | 只看该作者
你能进一步告诉我你的这些信息的网址吗? 因为在被停的时候LG变道到路边还没打信号灯。。 总之,我想一并了解一下。。。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-20 12:55 | 只看该作者


The best way to beat one is NOT to get one, so we'll deal with that first.


1. Don't act like a dick. If you act like a belligerent idiot, you will end up with a lot more than just a speeding ticket. More likely you will end up in jail with your car impounded!

2. Do not admit guilt. Say nothing, if possible. The cop can use your admission against you in court. Better to say nothing or act dumb (see below)


1. Say "yes Officer, no Officer" to everything. You want this over with - fast!

2. Act stupid. It helps, even cops don't want to torture the stupid!

3. Act scared! As if the tickets means the end of your life! Again, cops waver at this point. They may not write it if they feel sorry for you.

4. Act ignorant about what you did. Even if they give you a ticket at least you didn't admit you were speeding, which they will use in court against you later.


1. Don't argue the situation out on the road - you will not win! You don't want them to remember you when you do go to court. SAY NOTHING - then drive away.

2. Remember everything about the situation! How much traffic, the weather, which lane you were in. Write it down if you are too stoned to remember this stuff.


1. Always plead 'not guilty.' This may be a pre-trial appearance, or you may be able to send in the ticket with 'not guilty' plea. Try to delay a pre-trial appearance if possible. There will be a specified date if you have to mail in the plea.


1. Very important. DELAY, DELAY, DELAY!!!!!! Keep putting off that court date! You don't want to go to court! You want to make it so the cop thinks the case is so far in the past he'll never remember anything. A small story: When John Hussar, the director of The Blur of Insanity went to college he got a speeding ticket (90 mph in a 55 mph zone) from a New York State Trooper. He successfully put off going to court for two and a half years (mainly by lying about going on various trips to Europe)!! When he final did show up in court he discovered that the Trooper had been transferred out of the area! The case was immediately dismissed!
The Lesson? The longer you wait the better chance the cop won't show up!

2. Request information (optional, it can work for you, or make them want to nail you more!) Also they may or may not give you any of this depending on local laws!:

a.Copies of manufacturers names, including makes, models and serial numbers of all radar/laser guns in use by the Town/City/State Police Department.

b. Copies of manufacturers recommended maintenance for all of the above stated radar guns.

c. Copies of any manufacturer literature as it relates to the correct use, including but not limited to mounting, aiming, weather and traffic limitations, for all radar guns in use by the Town/City/State Police Department.

d. A copy of the past six months' maintenance records for all of the above stated radar guns, including, but not limited to, calibration specifications.

e. A copy of the Authorized Certification of Training, issued to the Officer who gave you the ticket, in the proper use of all radar guns in use by that Town/City/State Police Department he/she works for.

f. A copy of the patrol car assignments for the date you got the ticket.

This should give you something to work with, and also make the cop not want to show up to deal with all this crap!


What happens in court:

  • Go check in with the clerk.
  • See if your officer arrives, if he doesn't that will often be the end right there.
  • The judge will call your case.
  • The officer will testify first.
  • You then question the officer
  • You then call any witnesses you have
  • The officer can make a closing statement
  • You can make a closing statement
  • The judge decides.
1. Wear a suit, if you own one. If you look like a derelict, you will be treated like a derelict. We don't care if you think that is unfair! The world is not fair - grow up.

2. Be nice. Again, being a dick will just get you in trouble and solves nothing.

3. IT is the officers duty to prove you GUILTY. If he fails to prove your guilt the case will be dismissed.

BE confident that you will win the case!

Check the actual wording of the code you violated. If the officer fails to prove guilt in any part of the code then you should be dismissed.

BEFORE an officer can use the radar/laser reading as evidence, he has to establish a few things Jurisdiction Certification, up to date, accurate, traffic and engineering survey, radar/laser properly calibrated, tuning forks calibrated (with radar), FCC license, radar/laser unit appears on that FCC license

If the officer attempts to use the radar reading before establishing those things above, politely interrupt and say "objection your honor, inadmissible evidence."

Then tell the judge why. If the officer fails to prove your guilt at the end of his testimony don't question him, move to have the case dismissed. And explain what he failed to prove.

If the officer was moving when was his speedometer last calibrated? Have the records to see if he contradicts himself. If officer guesses your speed. throw something and ask him how fast it was going. If he is off by 3 MPH at 15 MPH speed then think about how far off he is at 35 MPH.

Were the speed limits prima facie? or Absolute? If prima facie then prove the speed you were traveling at wasn't unsafe.

ASK questions like: what color clothes was I wearing? did I have any passengers?

What was the weather like? To see how well versed the officer is.

See if you can attend traffic school in exchange for a dismissal of the charge (never bothers your insurance.)

OFTEN the worst part of a ticket is the increase in your insurance. By beating the ticket you don't have to worry about that...

Hopefully the cop won't show up - in which case you will ask that the case be dismissed - 99% of the time it will.

Anyway - there you have it. Good Luck. And if you beat a speeding ticket with any of this advice you have to make ten people you know go and see the movie!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-20 14:24 | 只看该作者


The best way to beat one is NOT to get one, so we'll deal with that first.


1. Don't act like a dick. If you act like a belligerent idiot, you will end up with a lot more than just a speeding ticket. More likely you will end up in jail with your car impounded!

2. Do not admit guilt. Say nothing, if possible. The cop can use your admission against you in court. Better to say nothing or act dumb (see below)


1. Say "yes Officer, no Officer" to everything. You want this over with - fast!

2. Act stupid. It helps, even cops don't want to torture the stupid!

3. Act scared! As if the tickets means the end of your life! Again, cops waver at this point. They may not write it if they feel sorry for you.

4. Act ignorant about what you did. Even if they give you a ticket at least you didn't admit you were speeding, which they will use in court against you later.


1. Don't argue the situation out on the road - you will not win! You don't want them to remember you when you do go to court. SAY NOTHING - then drive away.

2. Remember everything about the situation! How much traffic, the weather, which lane you were in. Write it down if you are too stoned to remember this stuff.


1. Always plead 'not guilty.' This may be a pre-trial appearance, or you may be able to send in the ticket with 'not guilty' plea. Try to delay a pre-trial appearance if possible. There will be a specified date if you have to mail in the plea.


1. Very important. DELAY, DELAY, DELAY!!!!!! Keep putting off that court date! You don't want to go to court! You want to make it so the cop thinks the case is so far in the past he'll never remember anything. A small story: When John Hussar, the director of The Blur of Insanity went to college he got a speeding ticket (90 mph in a 55 mph zone) from a New York State Trooper. He successfully put off going to court for two and a half years (mainly by lying about going on various trips to Europe)!! When he final did show up in court he discovered that the Trooper had been transferred out of the area! The case was immediately dismissed!
The Lesson? The longer you wait the better chance the cop won't show up!

2. Request information (optional, it can work for you, or make them want to nail you more!) Also they may or may not give you any of this depending on local laws!:

a.Copies of manufacturers names, including makes, models and serial numbers of all radar/laser guns in use by the Town/City/State Police Department.

b. Copies of manufacturers recommended maintenance for all of the above stated radar guns.

c. Copies of any manufacturer literature as it relates to the correct use, including but not limited to mounting, aiming, weather and traffic limitations, for all radar guns in use by the Town/City/State Police Department.

d. A copy of the past six months' maintenance records for all of the above stated radar guns, including, but not limited to, calibration specifications.

e. A copy of the Authorized Certification of Training, issued to the Officer who gave you the ticket, in the proper use of all radar guns in use by that Town/City/State Police Department he/she works for.

f. A copy of the patrol car assignments for the date you got the ticket.

This should give you something to work with, and also make the cop not want to show up to deal with all this crap!


What happens in court:

  • Go check in with the clerk.
  • See if your officer arrives, if he doesn't that will often be the end right there.
  • The judge will call your case.
  • The officer will testify first.
  • You then question the officer
  • You then call any witnesses you have
  • The officer can make a closing statement
  • You can make a closing statement
  • The judge decides.
1. Wear a suit, if you own one. If you look like a derelict, you will be treated like a derelict. We don't care if you think that is unfair! The world is not fair - grow up.

2. Be nice. Again, being a dick will just get you in trouble and solves nothing.

3. IT is the officers duty to prove you GUILTY. If he fails to prove your guilt the case will be dismissed.

BE confident that you will win the case!

Check the actual wording of the code you violated. If the officer fails to prove guilt in any part of the code then you should be dismissed.

BEFORE an officer can use the radar/laser reading as evidence, he has to establish a few things Jurisdiction Certification, up to date, accurate, traffic and engineering survey, radar/laser properly calibrated, tuning forks calibrated (with radar), FCC license, radar/laser unit appears on that FCC license

If the officer attempts to use the radar reading before establishing those things above, politely interrupt and say "objection your honor, inadmissible evidence."

Then tell the judge why. If the officer fails to prove your guilt at the end of his testimony don't question him, move to have the case dismissed. And explain what he failed to prove.

If the officer was moving when was his speedometer last calibrated? Have the records to see if he contradicts himself. If officer guesses your speed. throw something and ask him how fast it was going. If he is off by 3 MPH at 15 MPH speed then think about how far off he is at 35 MPH.

Were the speed limits prima facie? or Absolute? If prima facie then prove the speed you were traveling at wasn't unsafe.

ASK questions like: what color clothes was I wearing? did I have any passengers?

What was the weather like? To see how well versed the officer is.

See if you can attend traffic school in exchange for a dismissal of the charge (never bothers your insurance.)

OFTEN the worst part of a ticket is the increase in your insurance. By beating the ticket you don't have to worry about that...

Hopefully the cop won't show up - in which case you will ask that the case be dismissed - 99% of the time it will.

Anyway - there you have it. Good Luck. And if you beat a speeding ticket with any of this advice you have to make ten people you know go and see the movie!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-22 19:58 | 只看该作者
do not count on Police not show up, usually police have their lawer to the court,not police. I got one ticket in New York, finally I paid it. If you not have strong proof, best to pay it. Quebec and New York have high way traffic law agreement
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