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Fighting with Costco! Help Wanted!

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发表于 2003-4-1 15:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

I have a fighting with Costco, which is the largest wholesale in the world.

I want the employee of Costco, Mr. Simon Poulet, who claimed to be the manager of Costco, apologize to me for his rude words and bad manner
I, as a Chinese, who have a depanneur like a lot other owners of this kind of small business, work very hard to make a living in Quebec.

I go to Costco very often to buy cigar products. Some time I need to return a few cartons of cigar because I picked up mistakenly or the Costco employees picked them up wrongly. Never before I had problem until last Sunday, Mr. Simon Poulet refused the returns of cigar. He said that I was playing game with Costco and I made Costco lose money. I am customer of Costco, but I am distinguished from other customer only because I bought cigar.

Did I do something wrong, I asked myself. No, I did nothing wrong. So I have no fear to fight with Mr. Simon Poulet.

I really need your help in order to get this issue done right.

Best Regards,

Qi Shu

Please leave your comments and message!

You may email me at qishu2002@yahoo.ca
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