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发表于 2003-6-19 22:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
我们移民加拿大Montreal 后,妻子暂时没工作,丈夫(有美国绿卡)仍然在美工作,我们如何付税?另外不知妻子学习可否得到补助金,大约多少?Thank you for your consideration!
发表于 2003-6-24 08:05 | 只看该作者
If you want to get tax benefit from Canadian side, you have to fill up income tax report (no matter you have income or not). You may ask accountant to help you do it.

What kind studay your wife want to take? If studay French language, she should get financial support from Quebec government; if continue education, better ask school (school should let her know if she qualify and they also will help you do the paper work).

Good luck.
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