Next time, you should go to Futureshop, WalMart or Costco, especially the last two in order to avoid this hassle. You can return the merchandise within 1 year, even without original bill.
你可以致电 1-888-6722556(if not changed) comsumer Bureau 投诉。并将当时的所有情况纪录通告给工作人员。你需要提供比如时间,人物,地点,事情经过等等详细有关资料。相信1周内你会有答复。
good luck.
Berlain, don't get angry. The world is not always fair...I think you have 2 ways: a. if the notebook u bought is working very well, you took it. The store should haven't sold you "open box'', you had responsibility to check before you left the store. b. If you are still upset, u can call comsumer protection office to complain. they will send you a form to fill out, and you send it to the store. Really don't get upset, don't let this ruin your holiday.