联邦税表在邮局随便拿,魁省税表在 Desjardins 银行随便拿。
You can claim to a maximum of $500 per child, the fees paid in 2007 that relate to the cost of registering your or your spouse or common-law partner's child in a prescribed program (see next page) of physical activity. The child must have been under 16 years of age at the beginning of the year.
To qualify for this amount, a program must:
- be ongoing (either a minimum of eight weeks duration with a minimum of one session per week or, in the case of children's camps, five consecutive days);
- be supervised;
- be suitable for children; and
- require significant physical activity (generally, most of the activities must include a significant amount of physical activity that contributes to cardiorespiratory endurance plus muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and/or balance).
5)要填联邦税表和魁省税表。T4 slip不是你填的,是你任职的公司为你出具的收入、扣税单据,你凭此申报联邦税表。填魁省税表需要 RL-1 slip. |