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发表于 2008-4-10 09:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Torch-relay protests are a lesson in democracy

The Gazette

Published: 4 hours ago
Note to the communist government in Beijing(北京共产党政府注意了): If you really want the world to buy this kinder-gentler-China image you're so desperately trying to project, then don't send a squad of thugs in wraparound sunglasses to jog through democratic countries protecting the "Olympic Holy Flame."(如果你们真心希望全世界认可你们拼命想设计的少许温和的中国形象,请不要让一班带着墨镜的暴徒穿行于民主的国家和保护奥运圣火

Sometimes you really do have to stifle those totalitarian instincts. What works so well for you in Lhasa, won't always be so successful in Paris or London or San Francisco.(有时候你真的不得不因为极权主义者们的本能而窒息,什么你们在拉萨已经做得很好了,不要再总是说巴黎,伦敦和三藩多么得成功

Note to the International Olympic Committee(国际奥委会注意了): For the sake of simple decency, repress those disdainful sniffs about how "distasteful" it is for anyone to use the torch relay as a focus for protests and demonstrations.(为了所谓的礼仪,施压于那些对任何人利用奥运火炬传递来进行抗议示威而嗤之以鼻的人吧)

When you granted the Games to a country with a hopeless human-rights record, you should have been ready for this. Whether it's hammering home its control of Tibet or jailing dissidents in Beijing or giving comfort to the murderous regime in Khartoum, China can pretty well be counted on to do something to upset the world's sensibilities. You should have known that.(当你们将奥运会授于一个对于人权毫无希望的国家,你们该有所准备,无论她是否捶门和控制西藏,将反对意见者打入大牢,安慰Khartoum杀人政权,指望中国可以做一些让世界震惊的事情,你们该已经知道了吧

To the protesters, we'd like to say: Good work. You have done a service to Tibet, Darfur, and Chinese dissidents alike, by puncturing the absurd rhetoric about the Olympics being above politics. Of course they're not, and perhaps never have been. Adolf Hitler (who, incidentally, invented the torch relay) tried to use the Games to showcase the glories of the Aryan state; both sides in the Cold War used them to "prove" the superiority of their respective systems. Now China is trying to use the Games to prove it has changed - and it is failing miserably so far.
To the big companies who paid so much to be official Olympic sponsors: Your advertising strategy might help in the Chinese market, but at what price elsewhere? Next time, think twice about the host state you cozy up to.(对于那些赞助奥运的大公司们,你们的广告策略是可能会帮助你们进入中国市场,但是其他地方你们出价多少?下次你们可要多考虑了。

Finally, a word of solace to the organizers of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games, suddenly anxious that their torch relay could become a target for protests against the seal hunt, or something: Canada, unlike China, has other avenues of protest, which should reduce pressure on torchbearers heading for Vancouver. And even if it doesn't, please remember that our way of dealing with dissent doesn't include thugs in sunglasses.(最后,安慰那些温哥华2010年冬季奥运会组织者们,不要担忧火炬传递会被那些抗议屠杀海豹的人们破坏,加拿大不同于中国,将会有其他方面的抗议,将应该会减少给会火炬手们前往温哥华的压力,即使没有做到,请记住我们有我们的处理方法,是不会使用那些带着墨镜的暴徒

The IOC's decision to grant the 2008 Games to Beijing was a calculated risk, and for the Olympic movement at least, it might well have been a mistake. But for the rest of us - and that would include the people of China - it has paid off in ways the committee could never have imagined.(国际奥委会决定授予北京召开奥运会,是一个计划好的风险,至少对于奥运运动,他已经是一个错误,是奥委会不可能想象的到的

As Nikki Dryden, human-rights lawyer and former Olympic swimmer, said on CBC Radio this week: "If the Olympics had been awarded to Toronto, we wouldn't have been having any of these conversations."(人权律师Nikki Dryden,前奥运游泳选手说:如果让多伦多举办本届奥运会,我们就不会有这么多是非讨论了

China's 19-country, 130-day relay has become a part of that conversation. That it's now a magnet for pro-Tibet and pro-Darfur activists shows the kind of creativity a free society can breed. Stifle the opportunity for protest in China itself, and demonstrators will find other and perhaps more effective ways to show their feelings. Dissent will be heard, whatever Beijing's hard-hearted mandarins might try to do.(中国的19国,130天的火炬传递已经成为社会讨论的焦点,特别是那些藏独活动者们向我们显现的创造一个自由的社会,也将会寻找其他更有效的途径表达他们的感受,无论北京方面如何强硬,反对的意见还会听得到的
© The Gazette (Montreal) 2008
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-10 09:52 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-10 10:17 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-4-10 11:31 | 只看该作者
Post by 2009wahaha
组织到他们门前示威, 就在下周末, 各位以为如何? 再请OTTAWA的也来支持.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-10 11:34 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-10 11:53 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-4-10 11:55 | 只看该作者

这是西方民主的产物,中国人还没有什么太多的实践。所以应该请一些event planner好好策划一下。去gazette家门口示威是很正确的行动方向
太多了。千变万化。只是有些人貌似中国人,却不懂得自爱“中国人”这块牌子。巴不得去做plastic surgery,向某名歌星一样把全身的血液都换上1000遍。:frown:
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发表于 2008-4-10 12:08 | 只看该作者
I just "highly praised" their work (protesters, Paris Police and ... The Gazette) by sending this picure to letters@thegazette.canwest.com

4730.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 747)

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-10 12:21 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-10 13:23 | 只看该作者
No international torch relay for 2010 Games: Vanoc(温哥华2010年将不在世界范围内举行火炬传递)

Jeff Lee, Canwest News Service

Published: 54 minutes ago
BEIJING - Vancouver's Olympic organizers won't conduct an international torch relay, but may still make stops in some cities or places, including Paris, London and Vimy Ridge, the CEO of the Vancouver 2010 Organizing Committee said Thursday.

But any decision to take the torch to places outside of Canada will have to await a review by the International Olympic Committee in the wake of the violent protests that have beset the 2008 Beijing torch relay.(竟然归功于北京)

John Furlong said he hasn't ruled out the possibility that the torch for the 2010 Winter Games could make stops at places of significance to Canadians on its transit from Olympia, Greece to Vancouver in late 2009.

But, he said Vanoc had never really considered a full-fledged international torch relay like Beijing's simply because it will have a big enough job just covering Canada.

"You exhaust a lot of time that you have by going internationally. In Canada alone we're talking 1,000 cities, 35,000 kilometres, 200 celebrations over 100 days. So we have our hands full," he said.

"The most-asked question I get from people is 'Are you going to bring the torch to my town'," he said.

"With our plan to take this to so many cities and towns in Canada, I don't think it's really possible to consider a full-on international relay."

Furlong confirmed that Vanoc has considered as possible stops London, Paris and Vimy Ridge in France, where Canadian soldiers in the First World War won their stripes as a fighting force. But he said there were no plans for relays in those locations, and no final decision has been made.

"We talked about options like anybody would, but we've made absolutely zero determinations about this," he said. "We haven't finalized our plans yet and we haven't determined what we will do. Is it out the question? No. But our focus has largely been on dealing with our own country and having a torch relay that is consistent with our own vision."

On Wednesday the International Olympic Committee's executive board discussed the status of the Beijing torch relay route and agreed to not change its international destinations. IOC spokeswoman Giselle Davies said the relay organizers and the host cities may still make changes to the local routes.

IOC president Jacques Rogge said the organization will consider after the Beijing Games whether or not allow international relays. He said Athens in 2004 held the first international relay and it was a success. The Beijing relay, on the other hand, is not.

Earlier in the day Rogge said the constant protests against the torch relay and questions over freedom of expression had created a crisis for athletes, whom he said are "in disarray."

He told a news conference that the last few days were "a period that I would describe as not being so easy for the Olympic movement." He described it as a crisis that the IOC will overcome, but one not as bad as the terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Games or the boycotts of 1976, 1980 and 1984.

Rogge also said he had pressed Chinese authorities live up to a "moral" promise they made in 2001 to improve human rights.

"This is what I would call a moral engagement, not a juridical one. I would definitely ask China to respect its moral intentions."

And he said he is also concerned that China has not fully implemented a new media law that allows reporters to go where they want and interview whom they choose unimpeded.

Vancouver Sun
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