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发表于 2008-4-15 10:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

如果你住在加拿大,关于电视媒体的歪曲报道和主持人随种族的恶意言论,我们可以向CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission)抗议,CRTC会采取相应的措施。加拿大对特定种族的言论限制比美国严格,任何节目在加拿大播放必须服从加拿大法律。

FCC会立案调查事实,让CNN做出合理解释。 如果CNN不给与合理解释, FCC会采取处罚措施。

* Please include below as many details about the program as possible in order to help the FCC determine whether the material was obscene, profane, and/or indecent (such as specific words, language, images, etc.).

Below is a 能人起草的一份general complain. Use it as a template.

I am truly stunned and shocked by the recent racist and hate remarks towards the
Chinese people made by CNN news commentator Jack Cafferty. In “Situation Room”
aired on April 9th, Cafferty charged the Chinese people with a highly despicable assault by saying, "They (Chinese) are basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they have been in the past fifty years." (http://trans.cnn.com/TRANS/0804/09/sitroom.03.html)

It is uncommon to witness such a blatant discrimination against an ethnic group of people with such a derogatory connotation in a national TV program. I believe Cafferty’s remarks clearly exposed his hatred and bigotry against the Chinese people as a whole. With no doubt, people from different ethnic backgrounds, especially the Chinese people, feel deeply hurt by this shameless assault.

Cafferty's hate remarks have been recorded and uploaded to Youtube. So far the number of clicks is approaching tens of thousands. People from around the world have left comments condemning his malicious remarks.

I strongly urge FCC to take immediate actions against this CNN news commentator. I also demand an official apology from CNN to all people with Chinese origin.

Youtube link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=584D5fHB2H4

CNN s:http://trans.cnn.com/TRANS/0804/09/sitroom.03.html

To Whom It May Concern:


It is so obvious that all media in the Western world are so biased against China and Chinese people, that you have no brain to understand the history and no courage to tell the truth.

When there were thousands of pro-China and pro-Olympic demonstrators showed their supports towards a peaceful torch carrying relay in San Francisco, all you cared and covered was the noise from a small group of pro-Tibet independence people who violated the law by climbing the Golden Gate Bridge and mocked the spirit of Olympic in the name of freedom.

In your coverage, you intentionally mislabeled the pro-China and pro-Olympic supporters as "protesters".

When Dalai Lama said he supported Olympic game in Beijing all the way, you only reported his second part of the statement that no one can tell the pro-Tibet demonstrators to shut up.

No wonder the first thing that Chinese government did when the riots stared in Lhasa was to kick you out.

Let’s set the facts straight once for all:

1. Tibet is part of China for thousands years, Tibetan people ARE Chinese people. When they travel abroad, they carry Chinese passport. Even Dalai Lama himself has said it so many times that Tibet is part of China . If Dalai Lama admits himself that he is a Chinese, what is your problem?

2. We all have seen what happened in London and Paris. Those so called “peaceful demonstrators for the freedom of Tibet” acted exactly like terrorists. They fought against local law enforcements and attacked athletes who carried the torch, including a girl who was sitting on a wheelchair. What makes you think that those monks in Lhasa were just peacefully expressing their freedom of speech? Those are the same terrorist typed people who started the riots, are your media people just blind or you don’t dare to report the truth?

3. It is wrong to associate politics with Olympic. Those dirty politicians want to have their hands on anything they can touch to show the world that they are actually decent and caring advocates of human rights. Let me ask you a question: What about the right of athletes around the world who have worked so hard to represent their countries in Beijing and earn the medals of their dreams and be proud for the rest of their life? What about the rights of 1.3 billion Chinese people to witness the biggest sport event in the history of China, and be proud to be part of it by embracing the world ?

Further more, when you say "Free Tibet", how exactly are you planning to liberate a Chinese land from China? Are you going to send your troops to China? Are you willing to go nuclear war with China?

It is time for you left-wing media liberals to tell the truth as it is.

Misleading your readers and audiences will only lead you to the bottom of the sea of ignorance. One day, you will find that no one will read your papers or watch your TV programs any more, not because you have nothing to offer, but because you have been offering nonsense to us and forcing your garbage down our throats!

Enough is enough!!!



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