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发表于 2008-5-9 13:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
儿子93年11月生,在读欢迎班仅1月,但是这个公立学校Honor Mercie的风气实在不敢恭维,将搬去villa marie, Blv. Old Orchard 4400, 不知再次申请是否会给我们换好点的公立法语学校。像这样的情况何时可以考虑报名考国际中学吗? 不知哪位家长有经验报考15岁学生的中学插班?如果去英才或枫叶之类的学校补习,有必要吗?什么时候开始比较好,费用大概多少呢?新移民,非常感谢能够回复我的同胞。中英文都可以, travelinshanghai@gmail.com
发表于 2008-5-9 13:45 | 只看该作者
I strongly suggest you send your son to Ying Cai or Feng Ye. They have special class for kids like your son. You can phone them directly.  

For international high schools, places are very limited. Also it is a bit hard for your son to be able to pass the exams.  

Mastering French is the urgent task for your son's success in Quebec. Encoraging him to study hard.

Good luck!
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