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发表于 2008-9-3 13:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2008-9-3 16:03 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2008-9-6 22:17 | 只看该作者
Post by patrickboy
  A& ]* @5 p8 k; `+ T 一般在卖材料的地方,他们会有那些挖地基的公司的卡片,那里很多公司可以问的,我之前找的一家,不过是挖后园的,可能和你有点不同,但是大小应该有三车道左右,但是比较深,我想如果你的情况应该在2000-2500左右,我那次是1600,连挖带填,还有清理

, p7 Q% I$ Q' P% @建议研究一下DIY --- HOMEDEPOT/RONA可以租小型挖掘机 (估计是deliver到家门口的),我邻居最近租了,大铲子哗哗啦啦就挖玩了,现学操作,象打游戏一样。DriveWay一般要挖8寸以上,铺4寸石子,plate compacter夯平,又铺4寸,再夯,。。。省略1000字。。。
1 C* j1 k1 O: i% b8 E2 w
9 Q5 |: ], g- Y9 C* ]8 v- [照片是我偷拍的。。。

dig.JPG (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 265)

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-8 20:41 | 只看该作者

still looking for information

thanks for reply. ( O: z3 \1 i9 s6 K9 ]2 U
helpwanted, thanks for your picture,seems we live very close.but the small machine is not strong enough,and dig not deep enough.0 M3 @( o2 j9 f6 Q) e9 e2 Q
patrickboy:do u mind to leave me the phonenumber of the company who did your excavation.thanks in advance
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发表于 2008-9-9 13:28 | 只看该作者
Post by 极品垃圾 ) K+ l: |+ V) K$ ?
thanks for reply.
, ^9 _; W5 U8 Chelpwanted, thanks for your picture,seems we live very close.but the small machine is not strong enough,and dig not deep enough.
7 T7 f( O  Q) T9 x! P( F3 ypatrickboy:do u mind to leave me the phonenumber of the company who did your excavation.thanks in advance

- O' _2 X& |4 W: u/ p3 k! Enp, not sure about how powerful the small machine is, but my neighbour digged his backyard with it, for about 8 inches deep, worked well. so it might be sufficient for your purpose too.
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发表于 2008-9-9 14:53 | 只看该作者
Post by 极品垃圾 ! ~6 p9 _8 S4 e+ y! b1 O
thanks for reply. 5 ?. k1 f" C+ j( H; l; }4 x
helpwanted, thanks for your picture,seems we live very close.but the small machine is not strong enough,and dig not deep enough.
; K. c5 j6 l9 U' Bpatrickboy:do u mind to leave me the phonenumber of the company who did your excavation.thanks in advance

  L) s5 U& g& v" d. V# M8 b我没有KEEP住那张卡片,象我说的,你可以去卖材料的地方, 我上次是去"BETO BLOC",多拿几张,比比价钱.大概半天的时间就应该挖好填好的了,' {5 c4 A3 Q$ i# B
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