魁省最大的MALL,比你去的几个MALL都要大得多,坐地铁到LAVAL地铁站Montmorency ,有转车
From the Montmorency metro station to Carrefour Laval
Itinerary 1: 15 minutes
ØFrom the Montmorency metro station
ØTake bus route 39 towards Terminus Le Carrefour
ØGet off at bus stop Terminus Le Carrefour
From Carrefour Laval to the Montmorency metro station
Itinerary 1: 15 minutes
ØFrom Terminus Le Carrefour
ØTake bus route 39 towards Auteuil
ØGet off at bus stop Souvenir
Mail Champlain
Promonade St.Bruno
there are stripe malls such as Namur metro area (include some outlets and walmart and warehouse sales sometimes) and centre-marche area which is close to rockland mall.
there is also a mall near cote-des-neig & jean talon, nothing so fashion but a lot of cheap stuff. i like to go there sometimes because there are Maxi and Kimpat around.
The mall in westisland called Fareview. There are some malls further if you have a car. The best shopping is in the states of course.