我没有看懂邮包上哪个是他们的帐号. 从哪里寄回去呢? 还是FEDEX吗?
昨天又写信问怎么退押金. 没有回信来.
今天上ACANAC网站查, 发现FAQ里写的是:
Do I have to buy a DSL modem, or is it included for free?
Due to theft of devices we are now charging $49.95 Canadian for all DSL modems. Once your service is terminated Acanac may choose to buy back the modem at the same price. There is no obligation to purchase the hardware from our customers.
也就是说他们没有义务一定要BUY BACK. 但一年前扣钱时的INVOICE上写的却是DEPOSIT:49.95
大家再装ACANAC要注意一下了. 我已经改装回BELL了. 无合同电话加高速网7M60G, 没有任何安装费,MOVING费, MODEM费, 加完税在47块多. 够用了. 发传真的问题也解决了. |