漂流爱好者难得的机会. 自从去年成功主办过漂流活动后,多位朋友要求今年继续此项活动. 今年的漂流将比去年更加刺激, 因为今年的活动是在5月. 5月至6月是水流最激的高峰时节. 现定出细则如下:
时间: 5月29日, 星期六<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o:p></o:p>
地点: 红河<o:p></o:p>
费用: $92 + 税<o:p></o:p>
活动包括: 教练, 装备, 午间小食, 全套牛排晚餐, 设施(沙滩排球, 室内冲浴, 室外按摩浴, 室外游泳池)
交通: 安排搭车服务
集合时间与地点: (请联系)
请申明您是否开车. 若开车是否愿意提供搭载 (建议每位乘客上车交给司机 $7)
请速联系: Tony (514) 341-6780x2790
Rouge River White-Water Rafting
Let's discover what is considered as one of the best rafting excursions in America, the Rouge River offers first class rapids, excellent facilities, and well-trained professional guides. The best season to enjoy this adventure is in May and Juin when the water level is at its peak.
Time: May 29, Saturday
Place: Rouge River
Cost: $92 + tax per person
1 day excursion included:
Equipment: Paddle, life vest,helmet
A mid-day snack
Complete BBQ meal
A video presentation of your excursion
A qualified rafting guide
Access to the facilities (a hot tub, interior showers, a swimming pool, a natural beach sun deck)
Transportation: car pool provided
Time & location of assemble: please contact me
Please indicate if you have any previous experience of white-water rafting.
Please indicate if you will drive. If yes, how many passenger would you like to take (suggest every passenger pays $7 to the driver upon departure)
Please contact Tony sooner: (514) 341-6780x2790 [email="hugetree@hotmail.com"]hugetree@hotmail.com[/email]