公车票上网已经确定,彩票上网似乎还未明朗,但这也就是迟早的事。看了下面的统计数字就谁也不会怀疑了。BC省是全北美第一个博彩上网的,那是2010年7月15日,名义是为了截住加拿大流向海外非法赌博市场的每年高达800个Millions的财富。虽然这Playnow.com刚启动就出现了技术故障,被迫关闭了数小时,但还是乘风破浪启航了。The website, while criticized at first, has grown into a big money-maker for British Columbia. PlayNow has been a huge success. The profits from the online casino are soaring, and it has caused the Lottery to consider what other forms of gambling could help increase profits even further. 短短一年不到,全省已有17万彩民注册,Loto Max,649等成功上线,光是截止2010财政报告出来,就创造了34个Millions的收入,估计到2014年,每年网上收入达到100个Millions。接下来BC博彩局打算乘胜前进,送更多的品种上线,实现手机及其他移动设备上的博彩。Mobile device gambling has become popular in Europe and elsewhere in the world. People have become completely reliant on their mobile devices, and several major companies have authorized the use of gaming apps on their devices. The tablets are now doing the same.