你说的是Health Service Fund 吧? line 446, schedule F, 这跟 Health Contribution是两个不同的东西, 在Line 448. 超18岁的人,单身是超14730, 夫妇是超23880得交。 有部分老人家不需要交, 看GUIDE的60页。
Post by 51741;3220333
Guide 上些的很清楚,一看就明了:
http://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/ci ... ligne/ligne446.aspx
The purpose of this contribution is to ensure that all individuals entitled to health services in Québec contribute to the financing of these services. Consequently, you may have to pay a contribution to the health services fund if you were resident in Québec on December 31, 2012 (or on the date you ceased to be resident in Canada in 2012), and your total income (line 199), minus the total of the amounts on lines 101 and 105, is over $13,660. To find out if you are required to pay a contribution and to calculate the amount, complete Schedule F. |