在今天(周一)下午的魁北克疫情通报会上,省长Francois Legault宣布,省内所有非必需商业(non-essential businesses)都必须从今天午夜开始暂停三周。
魁北克政府今天下午刚刚公布了疫情中“必需商业”(essential businesses)名单如下:
医疗保健- all professions in the health and social services network;
- emergency pre-hospitalization services (ambulance attendants and dispatchers);
- private professional resource offices (health network);
- drugstores;
- dentists (emergency consultations);
- optometry (emergency services);
- intermediate resources and private seniors’ homes;
- homecare services for seniors, people with disabilities and vulnerable individuals;
- specialized shelter services (conjugal violence, homelessness, drug addiction, and so on);
- 811 and 911 call centre staff;
- Héma-Québec;
- Transplant Québec;
- the Red Cross;
- the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ);
- the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ);
- the production, procurement and distribution of medications, vaccines and pharmaceutical goods and medical equipment, including laboratories and research centres;
- veterinaries;
- animal shelters.
公共安全- police services, including municipal and Sûreté du Québec emergency call dispatching;
- fire departments;
- correctional services;
- special constables;
- security agencies;
- the Ministère de la Sécurité publique (civil protection and coroners);
- forest firefighters and all professionals who support civil protection operations;
- communications services.
基本政府服务- childcare workers and emergency childcare service support staff;
- online higher education;
- suppliers of goods and services for disadvantage people;
- food inspection;
- garbage collection;
- government air services;
- suicide prevention centres;
- assistance services for the victims of conjugal violence;
- staff that the municipalities deem essential (administration, public works, and so on).
基础设施维护和运营- the production, procurement, transmission and distribution of energy (electricity, fossil energies);
- the maintenance in good operating condition of essential public infrastructure such as bridges, municipal buildings, and so on;
- construction, maintenance and the maintenance of essential activities related to public and private infrastructure that may pose a threat to public health and safety (private dams, the management of hazardous and radioactive materials, and so on);
- health services and supply chain, for example, a water treatment plant;
- computer resources (security, maintenance, urgent needs related to the situation);
- data centres.
基本制造活动- food production, such as farming enterprises, food processing, beverages, slaughterhouses, market garden production;
- the production of inputs necessary for essential sectors;
- the manufacture of medical instruments;
- the manufacture of chemical products;
- the manufacture of health products;
- the manufacture of microelectronics components;
- industrial complexes, especially the aluminum sector, and mining complexes must reduce to a minimum their activities;
- manufacture and maintenance for the defence sector.
商店- grocery stores and other food stores;
- drugstores;
- convenience stores;
- megastores outside shopping centres that offer grocery, drugstore or hardware services;
- products for farms such as mechanical equipment, fertilizer and so on;
- the Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) and the Société québécoise du cannabis (SQDC);
- funeral homes, crematoria and cemeteries;
- restaurants (takeout counters or delivery only);
- hotels;
- drycleaners and laundromats;
- medical and orthopaedic supply stores;
- pet food and supplies stores;
- movers;
- work equipment (safety and protection).
媒体和通讯- telecommunications (network and equipment);
- cable operators;
- printers (solely for printing newspapers);
- national media;
- local media.
银行和金融服务- financial services (financial institutions, ATMs and other payment methods);
- insurance services (telephone service);
- payroll services;
- accounting services;
- services related to financial markets.
建筑业- construction firms for emergency dispatching or security purposes;
- electricians, plumbers and other trades for emergency services;
- rental equipment.
建筑维修服务- janitorial work;
- building-maintenance firms (elevators, ventilation, alarms, and so on).
基本交通运输- mass transit and passenger transportation;
- ports and airports;
- locomotive and aircraft maintenance services and essential aeronautical services (air transport);
- procurement and distribution of foodstuffs, grocery stores and convenience stores;
- transportation, warehousing and distribution of essential goods;
- snow removal and maintenance of functional road links;
- service stations and mechanical repair of motor vehicles, trucks and specialized equipment for industries deemed essential;
- taxis, paratransit;
- postal services, message handling and parcel delivery.
未列出企业If the activity of your enterprise is not listed above but you believe that it is essential or is an entity that provides essential services or functions, you can request the designation of an essential enterprise. A telephone line will be established shortly. The stores and services covered by this list must ensure that the people in their establishments comply as far as possible with the principles of social distancing.