卫生部长Ginette Petitpas Taylor在渥太华宣布,全新2019年版《加拿大饮食指南》于2019年1月22日公布。 达尔豪斯大学教授、加国食品系统专家Sylvain Charlebois对CTV表示,基于他们从加拿大卫生部获得的一些信息,现行的4个食品组都将成为历史,会被24个类别的食品取代。 新食品指南强调吃植物食品,喝水和在家做饭 2019年加拿大饮食指南(Canada Food Guide)把人们习惯饮用的果汁、酸奶、奶酪都删除了,提出要求多摄入蔬菜,水果,全谷物,及高蛋白食品,特别是植物来源的蛋白质。 先前的饮食指南建议加拿大居民每天食用四种乳制品,包括牛奶和奶酪。但最新指南中,乳制品的数量大大减少了,加拿大居民每天只被建议摄入一品脱(约473毫升)牛奶,而其它的乳制品例如奶酪(cheese),酸奶(yogurt)等等都被彻底移除了。 至于饮品,新指南则鼓励大家用水代替牛奶。即使是100%纯天然果汁中也含有过多的糖,不建议饮用。 加拿大卫生部提倡人们“多蔬少肉”。多在家做饭,少出外就餐。建议实用各种坚果( 如花生,杏仁或核桃等)、种子、鳄梨、鱼(包括鳟鱼、三文鱼、鲱鱼、鲭鱼等)、植物油(如玉米、橄榄、油菜、花生、芝麻、黄豆、亚麻籽、红花、向日葵等)、软的人造黄油等。 《加拿大饮食指南》建议食品: Foods containing healthy fats These foods contain healthy fats: nuts1 seeds avocado fatty fish vegetable oils soft margarine Foods containing saturated fat These foods contain saturated fat: fatty meats high fat dairy products some highly processed foods some tropical oils such as palm oil and coconut oil How to choose food with healthy fats The type of fat you include in your eating pattern matters. Here are some ideas to eat more healthy fats and less saturated fat. Choose foods with healthy fats Try different types of fatty fish such as: trout salmon herring mackerel When preparing foods, use oils with healthy fats, such as: corn olive canola peanut sesame soybean flaxseed safflower sunflower Include small amounts of nuts as a snack. Try nut butters such as peanut, almond or walnut. Try pumpkin or sunflower seeds. Toast them for a snack or add them to salads. Make your own salad dressing with canola, olive or flaxseed oil. Add balsamic, rice wine or other vinegars. Flavour with lemon juice, dry or Dijon mustard, garlic and herbs. Limit foods that contain saturated fat Limit the amount of foods containing saturated fat, such as: cream higher fat meats processed meats canned coconut milk or cream some frozen desserts like ice cream some desserts and bakery products most deep fried foods, like French fries cheeses and foods containing a lot of cheese When preparing foods, try to limit the amount of saturated oils and fats like: lard ghee butter palm oil coconut oil hard margarine Choose lean cuts of meat and skinless poultry. Trim off as much of the visible fat as possible. Drain fat from cooked ground meat. Lean or extra lean cuts of meat can include: pork loin chicken breast sirloin roast or steak inside and outside round roast lean ground poultry wild game such as: deer bison moose caribou Some processed foods are made with ingredients that are high in saturated fat. Use the food labels to compare products. Choose those with little to no added saturated fat. 更多详情请看链接: |
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