搜狐娱乐讯 近日,王思聪发布了爱犬戴着两块金色苹果手表的照片,并附以这样文字:“嘻嘻又有新的手表啦!本来我应该带四个的毕竟有四条大长腿,后来觉得实在太土豪了,最后决定带俩个,真的不能再少了,不然不符身份啊,天空又飘来五个字‘你们有没有’?”引起美国网民热烈讨论。 王思聪的行为遭到美国网民毫无保留的嘲讽和批评,有人甚至表示,老王该用爱马仕的狗绳栓住王思聪。 王思聪为狗配苹果表。 部分网友评论 @Debra:hate to break it to the ignorant show-off but his pedigree dog is poorlybred (don"t start I have rescue dogs too !) the nose should be solid color.this would be an instant disqualification for a show dog. I hope all theChinese (show dog) people are laughing at him behind his back. However, it makes me nervous as someone this shallow ...all about show, may throw the dogto the curb or worse harm him/her. To be given away or run away I"m thinkingwould be better for the dog especially if he got away w/the watches ! 懒得揭穿他的愚昧炫耀,但他的养狗狗品种其实并不怎么样(别跟我辩,我也养过雪橇犬!),优良品种的鼻子应该是纯色的,仅凭一点,这狗就丢掉了拿出来显摆的资格。我希望所有的中国人(炫狗的人)都背地里嘲笑他。不过,这也让我很担心,如此空虚的一个人...那么喜欢搏出位,可能会因此遗弃狗狗,甚至更糟,去伤害狗狗。狗狗最好能被送人或是逃跑,要是戴着苹果表逃走就更好了! @AlejandraR:LOL andthere"s people starving on the street. What a beautiful world where money ispower. 哈哈,街上还有人忍饥挨饿呢。多么美好的世界啊,金钱就是权利。 @Paul P:Too bad,the dog was holding out for a nice Porterhouse, got a watch instead. 太糟了,人家狗狗本来想要T骨头牛排,却等来了一块手表。 @Anthony:Apparently,the Chinese like to ××× away money on junk as well... 显然,中国人也爱在破烂上浪费钱…… @Cherrie:Can"tblame the West. Morgan, Rockafeller and Carnegie were some of the world"s most renown philanthropists. Today,Gates, Buffet, Ellison and Zuckerberg are some of the world most generousdonors. This excessive show of wealth isn"t just wasteful, it"s tacky and lacks class. Jianlin Wang will have to live with the fact that Sicong will make very little of hislife. Everything the father works for will be squandered by the son. 这不能怪西方(教育)。西方也出了摩根、洛克菲勒和卡内基这样的世界著名慈善家。盖茨、巴菲特、埃里森和扎克伯格,这都是全球最慷慨的捐赠者。 这种过度炫富不仅是种浪费,还很俗气、没品。王健林将不得不面对这样一个现实,王思聪的一生将乏善可陈。他父亲所建立起来的一切,都将毁在他儿子手中。 @Matta G:It"s hismoney I suppose. But spending money and stupidity often go hand in hand. 我想他是花自己的钱买的(表)。但挥霍往往伴随着愚蠢。 @Ra:I can"twait to see what eventually happens to Dalian Wanda when the old man kicks offand this doofus takes control. At 34 billion, I"d give it about two years to tank. 已经等不及看他爸之后,这个蠢蛋接管公司,大连万达最终会发生些什么。340亿美元的家底,我猜只消两年就会被他败光。 @TigerBalm:With affluent Chinese trying to keep a low profile, I"m surprised that the senior Wang cant keep a leash on his kid. He should borrow the Hermes leash from the dog. 中国富人们都试图保持低调,很惊讶老王竟没给他的孩子栓条皮带(约束下孩子)。他该借用下那条狗的爱马仕狗绳。 @ackmondual:“Wang"sfather who also owns movie-theatre chain AMC, blamed his son"s Westerneducation on his faux pas saying that he had not yet learned Chinese subtlety” First off, did not know AMC was now Chinese owned. Next, it sounds like he wasexpecting western education to teach his son about Chinese subtlety. Why wouldhe expect that? Last but not least, it sounds like even if this person learnedthis "Chinese subtlety", he"d still be the same jerk. “王思聪的父亲还拥有美国第二大连锁院线AMC,他将他孩子的失礼归因于西方教育,说他还没有完全学会微妙的中国文化。" 首先,之前真不知道AMC现在归中国人所有。然后,听起来,老王好像指望西方教育能教会他孩子微妙的中国文化。他哪来的这种想法?最后一点,也是关键的一点,看起来,即使这人学会了所谓“微妙的中国文化”,他依旧是个混球。 @Froggy:Wealthreveals character. 钱多后原形毕露。
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