唐氏分析的准确率在 90%左右, 而且只给一个百分比的结果, 如果结果是高risk, 医生会让继续做羊水穿刺, 这样结果的准确率就很高了.
一般医生会让35岁以上孕妇做羊水穿刺. 在B超的帮助下, 这个test也不那么risk了. 听朋友说做过, 跟抽血的痛苦程度差不多.
Post by jeanjean
The test you did is a regular check at early pregnancy. It's not for Down's syndrome check.
It's better to do the Down's syndrome check between 12-14 weeks pregnancy, and the accuracy rate is around 96%-98%. Between 14-16 weeks, the accuracy rate is decreaced to 90%. Doctors will combine the ultrasound result with the analysis of sth in blood to give possibility of Down's syndrome of fetus. If the possibility is high, 羊膜穿透 is needed.
This test is not free. It costs 350$ or so. 羊膜穿透 is free. It is covered by medicard and conducted at 20 weeks pregnancy.
Pregnant women above 35 is usually asked to do down's syndrome check. |