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发表于 2004-8-25 11:20 | 显示全部楼层

you should look at several thousand dollars

I used to live in Toronto and at one point, we were evaluated by a moving company for the moving to Vancouver. We were living in a one bed room (3 and a half here in Montreal) apartment without kid. The estimated value is about $5,000 including a car. The moving of the car itself cost between 800 and 900. We didn't have whole lot of material, but in decent amount. We didn't check other moving companies because the money was going to be paid by a company. Eventually, we didn't move to Vancouve due to some reasons. If you have a kid and lots of furnitures as you said, I think you have to add a couple of thousand dollars on it. With such a long distance move, I am pretty sure the value will be based on the weight of your stuff. So, my suggestion is to calculate the value of what you have first and then make a few phone calls to arrange the evaluation. then decide to keep or to sell. good luck!
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