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[探亲] 如何办理父母探亲?材料如何准备?

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发表于 2003-10-1 22:56 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks. Langley
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发表于 2003-10-6 11:01 | 显示全部楼层
To: helen1234

我不明白为啥你需要回去接你父母? 不过要是这样,你就不能写探亲理由了.不过光写旅游也没关系,因为这也是一个很重要的理由.但你要做一些工作.比如在邀请信上说你回家后给你父母看了很多加拿大的照片,录像,和你的介绍.你父母动了心,立志非加拿大不游.另外最好你们写个详细一点旅游计划.来加拿大后向上那那, 那那有啥啥,我要吃啥啥看啥啥...越详细,越个人化,越有说服力.我认为没问题.你父母来加拿大消费,没道理不给签证的.在加拿大的政府网站,根本没有探亲这一条,"Visit Visa" is the visa for the visitor(  = tourist). It is my understanding.


To qianiur:

你邀请信说可以负担父母来这里的一切费用,这是告诉签证管我有这个经济能力 = 老爷爷我有钱!另外你也要提一下,如果父母承担一部分费用或全部费用也可以.这是在说:老爷爷我的父母还是很有钱.这样你和你父母都要出具存款证明. 有钱 = 你父母不会给加拿大带来麻烦.(不过别太多钱.前人有关于多少钱的讨论.)在这里,父母来看子女,费用自理是天经地义的.

following is for reference only:

.... If you do not mind, I can afford all the expense for your visit including air tickets. It is also OK for me if you would like to pay by yourselves....

good luck!

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发表于 2003-10-6 18:39 | 显示全部楼层
langley,Can you send me the sample of the invitation letter?
My email: jiao_list@hotmail.com
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发表于 2003-10-6 19:50 | 显示全部楼层
langley, I also would like to have a copy of invitation letter. please kindly send me one.
my e-mail: moxin7374@msn.com
many thanks!
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发表于 2003-10-7 15:40 | 显示全部楼层
我们家庭只有这两位老人, 想让她们一起过来有个伴.
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发表于 2003-10-7 15:47 | 显示全部楼层
G.Student 你好能也给我一份宣誓样本吗?非常感谢.还有一个问题想请教你,如果我上COFI可以申请父母过来吗?
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发表于 2003-10-8 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
上COFI可以申请父母过来吗? Yes, as long as you  provide the enough fanicial support.

有朋友同时申请岳母和婆婆来探亲吗? I know sd did like that and succeed. In addition, you can mention that their coming together can comford each other due to the language difficulty.  

To shanmididi & rent007007:
I can and will email your two guys a copy of invitation letter. But as what the blackcoffe said, the invitation letter should not be so complex. It is just a letter to your parents and tell officer the motive of your invitation. But you should avoid some sensitive topics as many people discussed here before. You should modify the sample I give you because many people have used this version. The letter should be more personal.

In addition, blackcoffe gave us a good idea, let supervisor sign a statement! This is a very solid proof about your credit.         

Thanks blackcoffe informing the change in visit time limitation.

Good Luck!
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发表于 2003-10-8 10:41 | 显示全部楼层
上COFI可以申请父母过来吗? Yes, as long as you  provide the enough fanicial support.

有朋友同时申请岳母和婆婆来探亲吗? I know sd did like that and succeed. In addition, you can mention that their coming together can comford each other due to the language difficulty.  

To shanmididi & rent007007:
I can and will email your two guys a copy of invitation letter. But as what the blackcoffe said, the invitation letter should not be so complex. It is just a letter to your parents and tell officer the motive of your invitation. But you should avoid some sensitive topics as many people discussed here before. You should modify the sample I give you because many people have used this version. The letter should be more personal.

In addition, blackcoffe gave us a good idea, let supervisor sign a statement! This is a very solid proof about your credit.         

Thanks blackcoffe informing the change in visit time limitation.

Good Luck!
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发表于 2003-10-8 10:42 | 显示全部楼层
上COFI可以申请父母过来吗? Yes, as long as you  provide the enough fanicial support.

有朋友同时申请岳母和婆婆来探亲吗? I know sd did like that and succeed. In addition, you can mention that their coming together can comford each other due to the language difficulty.  

To shanmididi & rent007007:
I can and will email your two guys a copy of invitation letter. But as what the blackcoffe said, the invitation letter should not be so complex. It is just a letter to your parents and tell officer the motive of your invitation. But you should avoid some sensitive topics as many people discussed here before. You should modify the sample I give you because many people have used this version. The letter should be more personal.

In addition, blackcoffe gave us a good idea, let supervisor sign a statement! This is a very solid proof about your credit.         

Thanks blackcoffe informing the change in visit time limitation.

Good Luck!
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发表于 2003-10-12 11:37 | 显示全部楼层
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