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发表于 2009-6-10 22:02 | 显示全部楼层
不太懂。costco是会员制卖场, 不管你是天天去还是一年只去一次, 年费都一样。 既然你又需要在那里购物,而且是"一年几次",每次靠借的也太麻烦了吧。 而且卡上有照片, 如果长得不像又是问题。 要省钱办法多的是, 但这样省还真累
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发表于 2009-6-12 17:45 | 显示全部楼层
you see, that is exactly why costco is a membership store. they want clients who can at least afford the membership fees to be able to pay for their necessities which will go up to a few hundreds at times. alternatively, walmart is a nice place to go if you wanna be cheap (both as a person and on the bill)
Post by sinopass;2265981
呵呵, Everything is possible, 不过你这样说, 即使你不太懂, 谁也不会把方法告诉你, 自己去google吧,
一年也买不了几百块钱的东西, 你去花50办个卡, 我无话可说
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发表于 2009-6-12 20:46 | 显示全部楼层
costco推出的非会员消费的办法是让你去借别人的卡? 如果我记得没错, 卡上面应该有写non-transferable. 如果不是会员又想去costco购物那就只能买cash card*,既然你这么了解为什么不去做, 反到这里来借卡? 是你自己不愿意play by the rule, 但不等于否认costco是一个membership store, 要不然你发这帖子是要干嘛? 显得你聪明? 交会员费的人都是傻子, 都有钱没处花? 那我要有卡我借给你不间接的骂我自己?

没见过你这种要占便宜还要倒打一耙的, 真是为借给你卡那位同胞感到抱歉

*A 5% surcharge applies to non-member purchases on Costco.ca
Post by sinopass;2266101

另外不是必须要借卡才可以, costco自己推出了让非会员消费的办法, 很多西人论坛都说过, lulu.liu 即使你不太懂. 你可以google, 但是别拿无知当资本, 谁告诉你costco 必须 is a membership store
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