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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-19 04:11 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-20 02:50 | 只看该作者

2006 ADA水草造景大赛 获奖作品及简介

Grand Prize (World Ranking No. 1)中国台湾

台灣陳宥霖先生以作品「秋色」奪得桂冠 挾2005國際水草造景大賽總冠軍的氣勢,ADA2006國際水草造景大賽更由台灣陳宥霖先生以作品「秋色」奪得桂冠,這項國際水草造景賽事舉行已有六屆的歷史,不論在參賽數量和入選作品上都有逐年增加的趨勢,今年不僅有來自36個國家的水族愛好人士參與此次盛會,作品數量多達959件,其中台灣參賽作品件數就高達124件,可見台灣水族造景能力更加茁壯,著實是件可喜的事。

Mr. Chen Yu Lin (Taiwan)

Title: Autumnal colors

Evaluation: The Grand Prize winner layout is a relatively orthodox style, using Ouko stone as a layout material, and planting Glossostigma in the foreground, and Rotala nanjean in the background. Before anything, the composition balance and color impact are excellent in this layout. Especially the balance of beautifully trimmed right-and-left background thickets is excellent, and they created a depth in the layout. Even though only Rotala nanjean is used for the stemmed plants thicket, they show variation of slight color difference from gentle red to yellow green. This layout is a compelling, profound layout.

His Comment: Upon hearing that I received the grand prize, tears came to my eyes. I am very appreciative to the judges for giving me such a great honor. I became interested in aquariums about 5 years ago. I like ecological aquaria such as planted tanks and reef tanks. I have focused on aqua plant layouts for the last two years. This is my second entry in the ADA contest. I cannot find the correct words to describe my excitement. I think I will enjoy this hobby for my whole life.

Aquarium Tank: W90xD45xH45 (cm)

Aquatic Plants:
Rotala nanjean
Glossostigma elatinoides
Eleocharis parvula

Fish& Invertebrates:
Hemigrammus bleheri
Caridina multidentata

台灣羅士俊先生榮獲排石景大賽冠軍,其作品氣勢磅礡穩健,讓人留下強烈的印象  「秋色」(Autumnal Colours)這件作品,表達出現代人所追求自然釋放壓力後呈現的平衡和寧靜,前後共花了四個多月來創作,不負眾望抱走首獎。在頒獎典禮隔天舉辦的「排石景大賽」,主要訴求在以即興的現場創作讓人留下強烈的印象,台灣旅美的羅士俊先生在臨危受命的情況下,擊敗一同角逐的各國參賽者,奪得冠軍,台灣在今年的「2006國際水草造景大賽」上可說是最大贏家。  奪得此屆金獎的是來自台灣的陳宥霖先生,此幅作品以黃虎石為構圖素材,前景是矮珍珠,背景為黃松尾屬於比較具自然風格營造的正統作品。構圖的協調性以及色彩對比性為此幅作品最大優點。左右兩側背景的濃密水草比例絕妙營造出水槽深度,只利用黃松尾單一有莖水草卻能夠創造出柔和的紅色、黃綠色等微妙色彩變化,讓人百看不厭的佳作…
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-20 02:54 | 只看该作者

Gold Prize (World Ranking No. 2)

Mr. Masashi Ono (Japan)

Title: Relaxed Time

Evaluation: The driftwood composition and plants arrangement are in high-quality finished forms. The layout and maintenance technique, using a limited number of species, and growing those species in good forms, and maintaining impeccably even the single leaf, is amazing. But it is unfortunate the layout lacks impact.

His Comment: I was very surprised to see the result. I thought my layout was too common, and I did not expect to receive such a high prize. I tried to express a scene of aging driftwood, and its surrounding newborn plants and slow moving time flow by driftwood combination, using open space in luxury. I think this is an orthodox aquarium layout, but I am very glad such a layout was highly scored.

Aquarium Tank: W114xD52xH52 (cm)

Aquatic Plants:
Vallisneria nana
Microsorum sp.
Eleocharis xingua
Fantinalis antipyretica

Fish & Invertebrates:
Puntius sp.cf.denisoni
Crossocheilus siamensis
Caridina multidentata
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-20 02:55 | 只看该作者

Silver Prize (World Ranking No. 3)

Ms. Olga Baranovskaya (Ukraine)

Title: Rain is coming

Evaluation: This layout has a unique atmosphere. Many species of aquatic plants are well-organized as a whole. From the use of the driftwood, or the arrangement of the aquatic plants, as well as the whole composition with perspective, we could feel the creator?s unique artistic sense. This is a very interesting layout, and every time we see it, we find something new.

Her Comment: I was very delighted to have received such a high ranking! It is so great that there exists such a prestigious Contest where it is possible to share ideas, emotions and skills in the most beautiful and original field of art - aquascape -  which thanks to its universal language is uniting the whole world! The highest level of this Contest makes it very important for me and my studio as professionals. I wanted to show mood and feelings rather than technical methods. I am glad that the impartial judges understood and appreciated my work.

Aquarium Tank: W125xD45xH45(cm)

Aquatic Plants:
Cladophora aegagrophira
Echinodorus tenellus
Eleocharis acicularis
E. pusilla
Glossostigma elatinoides
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Lindernia rotundifolia
Ludwigia sp.
Micranthenum micranthemoides
Microsorum sp.
Nymphaea sp.
Didiplis diandra
Rotala macrandra
Rotala macrandra var.
Rotala rotundifolia
Rotala rotundifolia
Vesicularia dubyana
Riccia fluitans

Fish & Invertebrates:
Trigonostigma heteromorpha
Naocaridina denticulata
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-20 02:56 | 只看该作者

Silver Prize (World Ranking No. 4)

Mr. Chen Ze Xin (Taiwan)

Title: Old Tree

Evaluation: The use driftwood is distinctive and powerful. The texture is unique, and the way the moss covers the driftwood is natural. Not only is the impact of the driftwood good, but the balance of the open space and aquatic plants is well-organized, and the layout has an attractive finish, making use of the panoramic ratio aquarium tank.

His Comment: This time I considered the design of "God Tree Country" from last August, and started production from that layout. In order to find the best driftwood, I climbed a mountain several times. Even though I encountered the difficulty of sudden algae appearance, I finally realized the idealistic composition in my mind perfectly, by spending 8 months' time. When I received the Contest results, it is very hard to describe my feelings in words. The ADA layout contest is now trusted by hobbyists, and I really appreciate the organizer, judges who made a difficult grading, and all the planted aquarium hobbyists around the world.

Aquarium Tank: W105xD58xH45 (cm)

Aquatic Plants:
Hemiantbus callitrichoides "Cuba"
Blyxa japonica
Cryptocoryne wendtii
Elatine triandra
Hottonia inflate
Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae
Microsorum sp.
Vesicularia sp.
Riccia fluitans

Fish & Invertebrates:
Paracheirodon axelrodi
Hemigrammus erythrozonus
Pterophyllum altum
Pterophyllum scalare
Ancistrus temmincki
Apistogramma cacatuoides
Corydoras sterbai
Hemimyzon formosanus
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-20 02:57 | 只看该作者

Bronze Prize (World Ranking No. 5)

Ms. Jung Soon Ja (Korea)

Title: Part of Nature

Evaluation: The creator used many layout elements, but somehow the layout as a whole is well organized. This is due to the way that the driftwood comprises the compositional backbone. ?The way driftwood is arranged, and the open space in the middle makes the layout seem to have more depth than its actual size.

Her Comment: I understand from the past ADA contest top prize winners' layout that this contest places emphasis on the originality of the creator. So it was not easy to express a part of nature for me who, never has enough river stone, driftwood, aquatic plants and fish, or expertise to take photographs, but I expressed a part of nature using my own belief and imagination. I spent my childhood in the countryside. It is not a hidden scenic spot like Kumgangsan, nor flourish like a rose, I just included my pure heart in the layout. I really appreciate the good grading result by the judges.

Aquarium Tank: W130ׄ45׈57 (cm)

Aquatic Plants:
Glossostigma elatinoides
Anubias barteri
var. nana
Bolbitis heudelotii
Microsorum pteropus
Microsorum pteropus
Vesicularia dubyana

Fish & Invertebrates:
Hemigrammus erythrozonus
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri
Neocaridina sp.
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-20 02:58 | 只看该作者

Bronze Prize (World Ranking No. 6)

Mr. Minoru Yamagashi (Japan)

Title: Lingering Snow

Evaluation: From the planting of ferns among the space of Seiryu Stone, and the use of pure white sand, we believed that the creator was trying to make use of the layout material and aquatic plant characteristics, and seek a new way of expression. Unique natural feeling is expressed here. The concept of the layout is clear, and due to the use of limited number and color of aquatic plants, the layout itself became to have more impact.

His Comment: This was my first contest. I am very glad to have received such a prize this time, and I am sharing this joy with my family and friends. I created this layout with an image of Mt. Yorikura in Okuhida, located in the border between Gifu and Nagano prefecture. I spread Rio Negro Sand on top of boldly arranged Seiryu-stone with an image of remaining snow, and set Bolbitis as an image of creeping pine, which endured the winter season. I wish to make a new layout for next year?s contest with a fresh feeling with my friends.

Aquarium Tank: W120ׄ45׈45 (cm)

Aquatic Plants:
Bolbitis heudelotii
Microsorum sp.
Cryptocoryne wendtii
Cryptocoryne parva
Eleocharis acicularis
Vesicularia sp.

Fish & Invertebrates:
Rasbora agilis
Otocinclus sp.
Caridina multidentata
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-20 02:59 | 只看该作者

Bronze Prize (World Ranking No. 7)

Mr. Fumio Shiga (Japan)?

Title: Listen Carefully for the Sound of a Stream

Evaluation: The use of driftwood is very skillful, and the composition is powerful. From the way the moss and aquatic plants are arranged -- attached on the driftwood -- one can feel elaborateness. The contrast between the red-brown color driftwood surface, and green aquatic plants is beautiful, and the use of pure white Rio Negro Sand in the foreground makes the layout powerful in terms of color.

His Comment: I am very glad to receive this prize. I made this layout with an image of a babbling stream of a river. I wanted to make a layout as if the flowing river sound is meeting the ear. So I combined the driftwood with such a feeling in my mind, and inserted Willow Moss between space of the driftwood, imagining their idealistic form. I am very glad the moss grew as I wish. I hope to enjoy making a new layout for next year?s contest.

Aquarium Tank:W150ׄ45׈60 (cm)

Aquatic Plants:
Echinodorus angstifolia
Vallisneria nana
Bolbitis heudelotii
Microsorum sp.
Isoetes japonica
Blyxa novoguineensis
Eleocharis acicularis
Rotala nanjean
Ludwigia arcuata
Cryptocoryne wendtii
Fantinalis antipyretica

Fish & Invertebrates:
Hemigrammus ulreyi
Otocinclus sp.
Crossocheilus siamensis
Caridina multidentata
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-20 03:00 | 只看该作者

World Ranking No. 8

Mr. Akira Yamagishi (Japan)???

Title: Hometown, Has Pure Water Stream

Evaluation: The decorative sand reminds the viewer of the image of a clear stream in the mountains, and lends a dramatic effect to the aquarium layout. The planting is dense, and the plants make up a single group, with many varieties of aquatic plants.

Aquarium Tank: W90ׄ45׈45 (cm)

Aquatic Plants:
Rotala rotundifolia 'green'
Rotala nanjean
Anubias barteri
var. nana
Ludwigia sp.
Micranthemum micranthemoides
Ludwigia arcuata
Echinodorus tenellus
Rotala sp.
Rotala indica
Vallisneria nana
Hygrophila polysperma
Bolbitis heudelotii
Myriophyllum mattogrossense
Glossostigma elatinoides
Fantinalis antipyretica
Vesicularia sp.
Cryptocoryne wendtii

Fish & Invertebrates:
Hemigrammus hyanuary
Moenkhausia pittieri
Hyphessobrycon haraldschultzi
Otocinclus sp.
Caridina multidentata
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-20 03:01 | 只看该作者

World Ranking No. 9

Mr. Takayuki Kosuge (Japan)??

Title: Hometown in a Mountain Pass

?Evaluation: Using pure white sand uniquely, the creator expressed perspective by arranging the various types of aquatic plants.

Aquarium Tank: W90ׄ45׈45 (cm)

Aquatic Plants:
Rotala rotundifolia 'green'
Rotala rotundifolia vietnam
Eleocharis acicularis
Vesicularia sp.
Glossostigma elatinoides
Ludwigia arcuata

Fish & Invertebrates:
Paracheirodon axelrodi
Otocinclus sp.
Caridina multidentata
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