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发表于 2006-12-11 11:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
我的电话514 815 2228
发表于 2006-12-11 13:04 | 只看该作者
你好。就如电话上我们谈的,你完全可以立即中断租约:立即给他发挂号信;同时去租务法庭立案并要求合理的赔偿--租务法庭有一个中断租约的表格,填好后和你立案的通知一起以挂号信寄给你的房东:Quebec Rental Board/La Régie du logement
Montréal region: 1-514-873-2245

如果还有疑问,星期天你可去 YMCA HOUSING CLINIC 咨询,他们的服务是相当专业的:WMCA Housing Legal Clinic (Stanly/Maisonnueve) 514 849 8393
At inside of YMCA - Downtown Montreal Open every Sunday 11:00am, free consultation.

保存此网页,或许会为你今后的生活提供一些方便: • 信息分享:魁省华裔创家立业之需
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-11 22:33 | 只看该作者
非常感谢! 明天就去奥林匹克城,虽然有点远. 如果要求赔偿,多少才是合理? 这个房东太可恶了,居然威胁我,吃定我是新移民,而且还说抓到的老鼠都是很小的,不会伤害婴儿, 真是把我当白痴. 有没有儿童保护机构可以寻求帮助?
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发表于 2006-12-11 22:55 | 只看该作者
要求赔偿的多少你可根据你的实际情况计算,但最好要算得比较合理,不然如果法官产生疑义你反而得不丧失。这些你可直接向租务法庭或 YMCA HOUSING CLINIC 咨询。
Post by davidlxs
非常感谢! 明天就去奥林匹克城,虽然有点远. 如果要求赔偿,多少才是合理? 这个房东太可恶了,居然威胁我,吃定我是新移民,而且还说抓到的老鼠都是很小的,不会伤害婴儿, 真是把我当白痴. 有没有儿童保护机构可以寻求帮助?
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发表于 2006-12-12 02:25 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-12-12 10:39 | 只看该作者

rental board can help you

1. go to rental board and request to cancel the lease because of the mice problem.
2. take pictures of mice you catch and mice shit as proofs. This is very important.
3. for the deduction (赔偿 )of the rent, it cannot be decided by you or even you cannot ask the judge to compensate the amount to you. you have right to demand the compensation. the final amount will be decided by judge.
4. if you have any further questions, you may send me a private message and I give you a call to tell you what you should do.

Post by davidlxs
非常感谢! 明天就去奥林匹克城,虽然有点远. 如果要求赔偿,多少才是合理? 这个房东太可恶了,居然威胁我,吃定我是新移民,而且还说抓到的老鼠都是很小的,不会伤害婴儿, 真是把我当白痴. 有没有儿童保护机构可以寻求帮助?
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发表于 2006-12-12 11:18 | 只看该作者
I don't think the guy wants to deduct for the rent since he wants to break the lease for the worst living condition what he should ask is compensation I believe so.
Post by wuti
1. go to rental board and request to cancel the lease because of the mice problem.
2. take pictures of mice you catch and mice shit as proofs. This is very important.
3. for the deduction (赔偿 )of the rent, it cannot be decided by you or even you cannot ask the judge to compensate the amount to you. you have right to demand the compensation. the final amount will be decided by judge.
4. if you have any further questions, you may send me a private message and I give you a call to tell you what you should do.
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发表于 2006-12-12 13:45 | 只看该作者
I guess that you are right. but

1. deduction of the rent is the only way to compensate the tenants and the deduction comes into effect from the date when the tenant claims. tenants can never ask for a certain amount of money for compensation. it is the judge who makes the decision for compensation based on the rent.

2. even though LZ wants to cancel lease, still he has to go to rental board.

Post by peterpan1668
I don't think the guy wants to deduct for the rent since he wants to break the lease for the worst living condition what he should ask is compensation I believe so.
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发表于 2006-12-12 14:07 | 只看该作者
Yes, he has to go to Rental Board for cancel his lease; but for the compensation, the tenant could list of his expenses as such as like exterminate cost, moving expenses, install new telephone line and etc., right? By then the judge will analyze what will be the fair compensation to close this case.
Post by wuti
I guess that you are right. but

1. deduction of the rent is the only way to compensate the tenants and the deduction comes into effect from the date when the tenant claims. tenants can never ask for a certain amount of money for compensation. it is the judge who makes the decision for compensation based on the rent.

2. even though LZ wants to cancel lease, still he has to go to rental board.
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-12 21:41 | 只看该作者
谢谢各位同胞,今天去了奥林匹克城,那人对事实和证据不关心,只是告诉我一些程序和可能的后果. 如果我要马上终止合同并马上搬走, 第一步先给房东寄挂号信,第二再寄一份正式表格(在REGIE DU LODGEMENT拿) 第三步再到REGIE DU LODGEMENT立案, 第四步等候开庭审判,打官司. 赢了官司,我算顺利离开,并有可能要求一些赔偿; 输了官司,我要赔偿余下十个月的房租并房东可能提出的其他补偿.
一句话, 要搬走就要打官司, 不知道这官司有多大胜算, 要花多少钱和时间?各位有经验的能否提个建议? 有没有办法可以不打官司也可以立即搬走?
如果不搬走,那对我女儿太危险了,她才5个月大. 不知道有没有什么儿童保护机构可以提供一些帮助?
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