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[移民] 收到CSQ後多久拿到楓葉卡呢 ﹖

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发表于 2007-5-6 23:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本人的個案是留學生申請境內結婚移民的 ﹐4月份已經收到省政府的CSQ了 ﹐那根據本人情況來看還要等多久呢 ﹖﹖﹖有了CSQ還要續簽STUDY PREMIT嗎 ﹖﹖STUDY PREMIT是8月中旬過期的﹐如何不續STUDY PREMIT 會有風險嗎 ﹖希望有經驗的朋友能幫幫忙解答一下 ﹐謝謝大家。
发表于 2007-5-7 10:12 | 只看该作者
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庆祝地平线成立十周年,小生意班特别优惠四选一: 1. 40小时地平线法语;2. 100小时政府Francisation法语;3. 与报名费等值的中小学课程(包括夏令营);4. 特别厚道的价格
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-8 14:12 | 只看该作者


喔 ﹐要那麼久啊 ﹐看來我還是要續簽學生簽証了 ﹐謝謝你 。
Post by bdw
You will file the application for permanent residence. You must satisfy the health and security requirements of the Government of Canada in order to receive a permanent resident visa. It will cost you about eight months.

The CSQ is just the certificate of selection by Quebec. It is not immigration residence document. Your immigration application is only half-done.

During the period when you are waiting for the permanent residence, you need extend your temporary residence permit either as student or worker to keep your legal status.

You may also try to extend as visitor for maximum six months. But once you become visitor , you will have trouble for next extension.
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-10 08:52 | 只看该作者

如果在加拿大兩年還沒有上大學的話 ﹐CAQ和STUDY PERMIT續簽是否會被拒呢 ﹖﹖﹖
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