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发表于 2007-4-18 14:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
我们是今年324日开始TRANSFER了一个鬼佬的房子,在与前任房客签署的“ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE AGREEMENT”上只是与前任房客一起签的字,房东没有签字。另外前任房客与这份AGREEMENT一起留给了我们之前她与房东签的LEASE。这份LEASE的有效期是0691日至07831日,其中069月的房租是400元,其他月份则是700元。昨天房东来敲我们的门,给了我们一份LEASE RENEWAL,说是给我们房租涨价0元,却是需要每个月支付700元,需要我们在一个月之内回复。



发表于 2007-4-18 14:22 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-18 14:40 | 只看该作者
原始LEASE上是这样写的:the rent is $700 per month,for a total amount of $8100 for the full term of the lease *rent for sept/06 is 400


Post by chinajohn017

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发表于 2007-4-18 15:05 | 只看该作者
Nothing you can do because you already agree to this lease, which means $700/month from Oct 06 to Sept 07.

Two choices: 1. pay $700 per month; 2. move out.
Post by musicheart
原始LEASE上是这样写的:the rent is $700 per month,for a total amount of $8100 for the full term of the lease *rent for sept/06 is 400

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-18 15:17 | 只看该作者
而现在的问题是房东要求签署一份lease renewal,注明我们07年从9月1日开始到08年8月31日全年的房租都是700元,相当于变相的涨了房租300元,对于我们刚到蒙特利尔来的人来说不是一笔小钱!

Post by nice
Nothing you can do because you already agree to this lease, which means $700/month from Oct 06 to Sept 07.

Two choices: 1. pay $700 per month; 2. move out.
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发表于 2007-4-18 15:26 | 只看该作者
No. Nothing.

That guy cheat you. It is no use and impossible to argue with your landlord for the rent from $700 to $400.

Remember, you should learn how to protect yourself in here, by law. If you do not, nobody can help you. You should know what it is mean before you sign on a contract/lease or say "OK" by phone. There are many many traps everywhere, even the big company, like Bell.
Post by musicheart
而现在的问题是房东要求签署一份lease renewal,注明我们07年从9月1日开始到08年8月31日全年的房租都是700元,相当于变相的涨了房租300元,对于我们刚到蒙特利尔来的人来说不是一笔小钱!
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-18 15:52 | 只看该作者
谢谢!我想前任房客也没有骗我们,她把她之前与房东签署的LEASE留给了我们,上面明明白白写明一年的房租总共是$8100,对于这点,在我出示旧LEASE的时候房东也没有否认。现在房东要求我们签署的LEASE RENEWAL,全年的房租是$8400,我觉得不公平,不希望他觉得中国人软弱就可以随便涨房租,所以我准备拒绝房东的要求,要求他维持06年的房租不变,即全年$8100。
我准备先找房东协商,如果协商不通,我会给他寄挂号信,然后找Regie de logement。

Post by nice
No. Nothing.

That guy cheat you. It is no use and impossible to argue with your landlord for the rent from $700 to $400.

Remember, you should learn how to protect yourself, by law, here. If you do not, nobody can help you. You should know what it is mean before you sign on a contract/lease or say "OK" by phone. There are many many traps everywhere, even the big company, like Bell.
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发表于 2007-4-18 16:23 | 只看该作者
Hey, man. Could you please describe your situation clearly next time? It sounds you mislead us. Basic on your information above, I think your landlord will only increase your rental $300 for A YEAR, not per month, ($8400-$8100=$300). $8100 is $700x11+$400x1; while $8400 is $700x12. If you take $400 per month, that is $4800 a year ($400x12). So, your landlord does not increase your rental at all, like you said "要求他维持06年的房租不变". Yes, he/she indeed keep the same rental for you. What you want to argue? Another month for $400? If you are the landlord, will you do this?

Anyway, you could try it. Maybe your landlord is a nice man, but I think it is no useful. On my opinion, I will not argue with the landlord since it is not logical, and will let the landlord look down at me.

Hopefully you satisfy with your situation. Do not do something that is no worth.
Post by musicheart
谢谢!我想前任房客也没有骗我们,她把她之前与房东签署的LEASE留给了我们,上面明明白白写明一年的房租总共是$8100,对于这点,在我出示旧LEASE的时候房东也没有否认。现在房东要求我们签署的LEASE RENEWAL,全年的房租是$8400,我觉得不公平,不希望他觉得中国人软弱就可以随便涨房租,所以我准备拒绝房东的要求,要求他维持06年的房租不变,即全年$8100。
我准备先找房东协商,如果协商不通,我会给他寄挂号信,然后找Regie de logement。
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-18 16:45 | 只看该作者
再纠正一下NICE MAN,无论男或女都可以称为“HEY MAN”吗?


Post by nice
Hey, man. Could you please describe your situation clearly next time? It sounds you mislead us. Basic on your information above, I think your landlord will only increase your rental $300 for A YEAR, not per month, ($8400-$8100=$300). $8100 is $700x11+$400x1; while $8400 is $700x12. If you take $400 per month, that is $4800 a year ($400x12). So, your landlord does not increase your rental at all, like you said "要求他维持06年的房租不变". Yes, he/she indeed keep the same rental for you. What you want to argue? Another month for $400? If you are the landlord, will you do this?

Anyway, you could try it. Maybe your landlord is a nice man, but I think it is no useful. On my opinion, I will not argue with the landlord since it is not logical, and will let the landlord look down at me.

Hopefully you satisfy with your situation. Do not do something that is no worth.
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发表于 2007-4-18 17:07 | 只看该作者
3。男或女都可以称为“HEY MAN”。不是很礼貌,但没有错。
Post by musicheart
再纠正一下NICE MAN,无论男或女都可以称为“HEY MAN”吗?

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