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发表于 2008-6-9 08:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式




         Okay, given all the attention this has received, I had better update some things:

1)  When I posted this here, I never really expected anyone to take much notice of it.  I wanted my friend’s put on the record, because in my opinion he deserved it, and because he gave me permission. He asked me what to do with the information he received, and I asked him if I could post it on the net a bit. He said yes, on the provision that I don’t identify him. I posted pretty much what I put on this thread, on a couple of other ‘make your prediction’ websites.

2) I did not claim a ‘hit’ for the early June Chinese quake, for the simple reason that it came nowhere near my friend’s vision, in terms of dates, size, or location.

3)  The actual vision of my friend - is what some would call a lucid dream, others would call astral, out-of-body, etc. It was in full colour, and he has only had a dozen or so such dreams over his 80-something year lifespan. One thing they ALL have in common is that they all play out EXACTLY like he sees in the vision. He has used his visions on more than one occasion to save his own life, and the lives of others.

4)  His vision is as follows:
- he gets out of one morning, in his normal bedroom, on a normal looking day. Being a guy with strong gardening interests etc, one of his first ‘habits’ is to shuffle over to the TV to see what the weather forecast is. He turns on the TV and notices that the weather information is being continuously interrupted by news broadcasters discussing a 9.9 Richter Scale earthquake, off the coast of China, which had already caused a 50 metre high wall of water racing inland - destroying everything in its path. He said the broadcasters were shocked at the estimated death tolls already, and he heard them say, ‘well, this is going to cause the olympic games to be cancelled for sure’. THAT is the ONLY dating information he or I have. When I discussed it with him further, he said he FELT it was just before the end of June (2008).
- on top of what he was seeing (ie himself getting out of bed, turning on the TV etc etc) there was a voice speaking to him - giving him death toll figures in the millions; advising of disease; including a flesh-eating disease/bug/[color=#D0D060 ! important][color=#D0D060 ! important]bacteria that would spread internationally (he actually told me that this bug/bacteria/disease ONLY KILLED meat-eating humans, not vegetarians, by mutating with the bacteria in the gut of meat eaters. Now this guy is a raving vegetarian himself, so how much is his spin or how much was the voice, I am still not clear about. But it is worth passing on here I think so you all know what I know)

5) He had this vision around Christmas time 2007, and phoned me a couple of weeks later with it. He was still in shock, and asked me "why have I been given this information?" "How can I use this to help or save people?" etc. I told him that an uncomfortable number of people were also predicting major earth changes around mid 2008 (which is very true, and their numbers are increasing daily it seems). We discussed whether I should put it in Nexus or not - he asked to hold off till May.

6) As for the visit by the US State Dept dudes - that was the ID they showed him, but you all know it could have been anyone; I don’t know whether he contacted someone high up that he knew/knows; or they found out other ways. They were kind to him, they took his vision very seriously, and he promised to let them know of any other visions relating to this event.

7) I want to be clear about the following also.   
- it was me that lowered the posted prediction to 9.5+ His actual vision was 9.9 Richter scale. My reasons were to allow him a margin of error so to speak; and again, I never figured it would be of much interest to anyone. I mean, to me, it is a case of anyone going in and posting any prediction - so what?

- my friend had no specific date, except that it would "lead to the cancellation of the Olympic Games". I take full responsibility for putting it mid-June, with a + or - of two weeks. He DID FEEL strongly that it was “by, or around, the end of June”. However, it could well be inside the first few weeks of July, and HE would still be right - BUT, MY post would be shown to be a failed prediction.

- even if my friend’s vision turns out the way he sees, he still does NOT want to be known, does NOT want any fame, fortune, books, [color=#D0D060 ! important][color=#D0D060 ! important]interviews.  He just would prefer it doesn’t happen - period.  If anything, he hopes the Chinese might listen and do something - yeah right.

- My reasons for putting HIS vision as "mid-June, plus/minus two weeks", is because of a large number of other independent sources which variously claim methods and reasons for worry in mid-June. Some of these are scientific, methodical, left-brainers with [color=#D0D060 ! important][color=#D0D060 ! important]statistics, others are right-brainers with astrology, others are dreamers and visionaries. I picked mid-June for the post to both allow my friend a margin of error, and to ‘straddle’ the alarming number of predictions I have personally received.

- my original and subsequent postings have no [color=#D0D060 ! important][color=#D0D060 ! important]financial or ulterior motives, are not a hoax or a joke.  However they did not reflect accurately the full details of my friend’s vision, in terms of the size, and date vagueness by my friend - hence this correction.

9)  To be super clear then, I would like to reiterate :
a- my friend’s vision will NOT be fullfilled until he sees on his TV, news broadcasted interruptions about an earthquake: size 9.9 Richter Scale; Off the Coast of China; with a 50m high wall of water racing inland; causing cancellation of the Olympic Games. [I asked in vain for any other titibit, ie mention of [color=#D0D060 ! important][color=#D0D060 ! important]asteroid strike beforehand, of precursor eruptions or quakes beforehand - but he told me of no further information or clues].

b- we have published in this latest issue of Nexus, an article by Ken Dickman, who has an impressive track record predicting the DATES of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but absolutely little clue or accuracy as to the locations. His dates of concern are June 1-13, 2008. His calculations are based solely on angular relationships between the [color=#D0D060 ! important][color=#D0D060 ! important]planets and the sun.  

10) Next time I start a thread on ATS, I will begin with exact details, and head-off this sort of mess at the start. It is a good thing that so many demand details and clarification - and I do apologise for not be exact and clear right from the start.

praying/meditating for peace

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-9 08:48 | 只看该作者
更可怕的是,另一个预言家做出了同样的预言,只时间可能稍有不同,震级有差别:9.1 级!!




Mr. Jucelino Nobrega da Luz(朱瑟裏諾先生)音譯



他是巴西人,出生於1960年,今年47歲,目前的職業是學校的教師,現在與妻子兒女4 人過著很清貧的日子,他是位極平實的市民。










1997年3月4 日從郵局寄給戴安娜王妃之警告書:「我接到從上帝來的訊息告知,有人惡意設計讓您發生車禍之陰謀,您的生命同時也會遭到危險,七位天使如此地告訴我。也許您會在這次車禍中喪生,但是專家們可能會把它當作是駕駛失誤而造成的撞車事故處理,可是他們都完全錯誤了。殺人兇手就在您附近...... 此暗殺事件可能於2000年到來之前發生。」 朱瑟裏諾也曾將此警告書郵寄給英國最具代表性的Times、 DailyTelegraph以及Guardian等三大報社,但始終沒被報導。車禍事故於警告書寄出的五個月後1997年8月31 日發生,如預言所述最後以單純的駕駛失控交通事故而草率地處理了。此預言的正確性不單只預告一件將發生震撼全世界的大事件之外,還很明確地預知此事件被隱藏著驚人陰謀的真相。事故發生後很多人傳言,此事件是由伊莉莎白女王為中心之英國王室所設圈套暗殺戴安娜王妃的謀殺事件。 預言中記載此事故會在 2000年之前發生,雖然沒有正確的年月日,但是在此預告的兩年前,朱瑟裏諾寄給當時的巴西總統FernandoHenriqueSilvaCardoso卡多佐之信函中(此信函蓋有公證事務所印章)提到,「1997年到98年戴安娜王妃會死亡......」等文字。





第二次是911同時數次恐怖事件 1989年寄給美國總統與英國領事館之警告書,1989年10月26日郵寄的警告書也登錄在Palana(音譯,也許有誤)鎮, Mr.Klicheeba(音譯,也許有誤)經營的第一公證事務所。此封警告書中也預言1993年世界貿易中心大廈將會第一次受到攻擊,雖然沒有預告特定日期,但第二次的攻擊很明確地告知2001年9 月11日。關於此警告書的結果誠如各位所知,第一次的攻擊於警告書寄出的三年半後1993年2月26日,於停車場發生炸彈爆炸案造成傷亡,第二次的攻擊則發生於約13年後的2001年9月11 日,震驚全世界的「911同時數次恐怖分子攻擊事件」。更令人驚歎的是,此警告預言信函中也記載第二次發生攻擊事件後,阿富汗與伊拉克戰爭爆發,伊拉克戰敗後,海珊總統會潛逃到伊拉克中部的AdDawr鎮之一處避難所隱藏等等,都詳細預告,誠如各位讀者已知的事件,在這些警告書中所預言的事件都逐一發生了。





於印度洋海嘯1996年9月16日寄給印度大使,最早寄出的警告書約於災害發生的8年前,郵寄給駐在巴西首都巴西利亞的印度大使。此警告書中預言2004年12月26日早晨在印尼的Aceh亞齊省會發生8.9級地震,印尼與印度會被10米高的海嘯襲擊。1997年4月30日寄給印尼MegawatiSukarnoputri梅加瓦蒂總統之警告書,此警告公函之內容如下所述:「我在夢中見到2004年12月26日早晨7點,南亞洲將會被8.9級之超大地震侵襲,同時也會引發10米高的海嘯,波及範圍將從印尼的Aceh省開始,印度、馬來西亞、斯裏蘭卡、秦國、馬爾地夫、孟買,更擴大到摩裏西斯等地。而且一定會有一萬的生命被奪走......」 其結果,果真如警告書中預言地震發生於12月26 日早晨7點58分,死亡人數超過20萬人,最大的海嘯高達30米,有很多人被湧上來的海嘯吞沒了。其他如印尼、菲律賓、秦國等國的大使館也都發送同樣的公函,這些公函上全都蓋有郵局發送證明之郵戳。並且朱瑟裏諾先生也收到從以上各國的大使館或總統秘書官寄來的感謝函。從梅加瓦蒂總統府寄來的感謝信函中,很感歎地寫道:「關於地震與海嘯如果於2004年發生的話,為了要預防此悲慘的災難發生,有很多事情我們不得不去做,但是我們又無能為力。」另外,從印尼大使館的書信中簡單回函如下:「......我們會將此內容傳達給本國政府,如果還有其他情報追加的話,請勿吝惜通知。」由此可知,於災害發生的8年前,朱瑟裏諾就已經預告會有死亡人數超過20萬人的超級大地震與大海嘯侵襲南亞,從以上的警告書中詳細所述我們得知,朱瑟裏諾也都個別發送公函將地震海嘯之規模、發生之年月日及時間,全部詳細內容通知會遭到波及的鄰國但是實際上他們都沒有採取任何適當的預防措施





●龍捲風襲擊巴西舊都裏約熱內盧,造成數千人死亡。 ●2007年或2008年的7月日本會發生地震,同時會引起30米以上的大海嘯。 ●10月日本會因地震與颱風受到災害,關於颱風在警告公函中,有預言10月26日會發生巨大颱風。 ●12月17日美國會發生恐怖事件。


◎2008年◎ ●治療AIDS愛滋病與Dengue登革熱病之有效藥,研發成功。 ●7月18日菲律賓會發生8.1級大地震,將有數千人死亡。 ●美國紐約EmpireStateBuilding帝國大廈,9月會發生恐怖事件。 ●9月13日中國發生超強烈9.1級大地震,其震源地在南寧與海南島,同時也會引發30米以上的大海嘯,造成數百萬以上的人遇難死亡,如此強烈的地震所引發的海嘯很可能沖到對岸的日本。



●1月25日會發生8.9級大地震襲擊大阪與神戶,將有數十萬人犧牲。 ●11月日本會再度發生大地震,將有數千人死亡。 ●巴西政府因為經濟危機而無法發放保險金與年金,造成人民在都市與監獄內發起暴動。 ●8月24日土耳其的伊斯坦堡將會發生8.9級的大地震,街道會斷裂。 ●12月16日印尼的Sumatra蘇門答臘列島之東會發生7.8級地震,數千人死亡。



●非洲的數個國家之氣溫可能高達攝氏58度,同時發生嚴重的缺水。 ●6月15 日紐約的股票市場會崩盤,世界的經濟將陷入危機狀態。非洲的溫度會高達攝氏58度,初耳闖似乎很難相信的數字,但事實上聽今年(07年)的5月初,到過非洲周圍旅行過的人所言,Greece希臘與 Turkey土耳其的氣溫已高達攝氏39~40度,而伊拉克與阿拉伯半島的主要都市則持續高達攝氏45~46度的酷熱高溫,夏天的最高溫也許有可能。但5 月初就如此高溫,可想而知到2010年的夏天地球溫暖化會越嚴重,非洲各國的氣溫十分有可能創下想像以外之高溫。



●癌症的治療方法研究成功,但另一種新的病症又會發生。 ●致命性的病毒會出現,被命名為失去免疫力的「ALS」(音譯,也許有誤),如果感染上此病只要4小時即會死亡。 ●烏類禽流感H5N1型從正式的感染給人類,到2013年止約有7,300方人病死。 朱瑟裏諾先生預言的特徵不只能預告傳染病與地震之發生,甚至未發生的疾病與地震的名稱都能預知,例如前美國副總統「艾爾.高爾」的有名著作之書名「不願面對的真相」、龍捲風襲擊巴西舊都裏約熱內盧造成數千人死亡、2011年的威脅性傳染病的名稱「ALS」、2026年的美國三藩市之超強烈大地震命名為「TheBigOne」等代表性事例。



●由於乾旱而火燒旱田之範圍擴大,開始沙漠化,從2015年到2020年間亞馬遜的樹木會消失。 ●從12月6日開始天空變成黑雲時代,被稱之為氣象性混沌。 ●由於傳染病之蔓延人類開始滅亡。










●4月中會發生颱風侵襲,中國有大都市會遭到破壞,約有1,000人死亡。 ●美國的現任總統喬治布希先生將會緊急入院,面臨生命危機。






●可能會研究出以科學力量來解決的方法,可是如果地球相撞的話,則會造成世界上1/3的人口會被毀滅。朱瑟裏諾先生預言小行星會撞上地球的可能性約60%。 ●6月日本的東海地區會發生比印尼蘇門答臘海上大地震還要強烈的巨大地震。












朱瑟里诺先生在預言中提到,2007 年年底止,是我們人類覺醒的最後時限。朱瑟裏諾期望到2007年底世界上能發生很大的「意識改變」。事態的嚴重性已迫在眉睫了,而我們人類依然固執堅持他力本願(自己希望不要發生這些災難,但都是寄望由別人來搭救解決)、麻木不仁的話,朱瑟裏諾先生預告給人類的黑暗未來之預言,似乎即將接連不斷要發生了。











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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-9 09:09 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-9 17:34 | 只看该作者
关键是有俩个人的预言不谋而合! 除非是他们已经串通好了. 如果是这样, 为什么不把时间也说得一致些呢? 此外,如果你通读了 Duncan 的贴子,可以感觉到他不想在忽悠人.

  我个人想信世界上存在有超能力的人. 看一写 DISCOVERY 频道相关纪录片,或许你也会相信的. 再者, 对这样的预言,我看我们应该宁可信其有,要是真的发生了怎么办? 中国人赌不起!

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-9 18:23 | 只看该作者
家在沿海的同胞们,为了我们亲人的生命,赶紧团结起来,强烈要求政府一方面彻查此事,同时制定因对方案. 团结起来, 我们或可拯救亿万生命!!!
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发表于 2008-6-9 19:33 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-9 20:11 | 只看该作者


香港遭遇黑色暴雨2死16伤 街道成一片泽国:

http://news.wenxuecity.com/messa ... -gb2312-624351.html

福建出现多起宏观异常 地震局称地震可能性不大

http://news.wenxuecity.com/BBSVi ... ws&MsgID=610719

http://news.wenxuecity.com/BBSVi ... ws&MsgID=609676

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-12 08:28 | 只看该作者





搜狐镇江市网友 IP:已隐藏


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搜狐网友 IP:116.63.139.*


搜狐江西省网友 IP:117.44.45.*


搜狐西安市网友 IP:已隐藏


搜狐杭州市网友 IP:61.174.145.*


搜狐郑州市网友 IP:222.85.123.*


搜狐衡阳市网友 IP:61.187.178.*


搜狐北京市网友 IP:124.42.1.*


网友 IP:125.35.4.*

专家都说了 咱还说啥 地震是不可预测的死人是正常的 认命吧 以前的常识和经验都是错误的 又一次文化的革命

搜狐安阳市网友 IP:222.139.8.*


搜狐广东省网友 IP:211.136.253.*


搜狐济南市网友 IP:已隐藏


搜狐绥化市网友 IP:60.15.138.*


搜狐宁波市网友 IP:125.115.103.*

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发表于 2008-6-12 08:39 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-12 22:28 | 只看该作者
To John88:

你不是庄家,可你也不是个有一点斤两的预言家,我相信你更不是一只会说话的蛤蟆,即便你是,也先请你带领你的蟆子蟆孙先爬到月球上,看在“养专家不如养蛤蟆”, 我或许还信点你。不过我知道你办不到,赖蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉都办不到,还想上月球!


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