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发表于 2001-6-19 19:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
dear mobiplay

found some meassages written by u introducing weekly cheapest  consuming goods, these tips absolutely are good for new comer such as me.

anyway, this is my second week in montereal and i hv no clues about the locations of these supermarkets as what u and others metioned, i only know  wal mat  which is  provided by angel in this website.

would u pls tell me how to get these below supermarkets:
IGA, super c, and others u prefering,

pls reply as detailed as possible, so far i only know the bus 55 , 24 and 80. metro as well.

by the way, could you please advice where can i find "HUANG JIU"? (yellow rice wine)as it is very important for cooking. do u have any suggestion?

tks in advance
发表于 2001-6-19 20:16 | 只看该作者



橙线Namur地铁站, 西南方约500米;


5、Super C:
【取自ann的帖子】Super C有好几个地址,最容易到的是先坐橙线地铁在Vondome下车,出去再坐90路公车,第一次去不知在哪里下,就问一下司机,不是很远。

【取自angel的帖子】在ATWARTER坐90路巴士(始发站)西向,大约25分钟路程,SUPER C 就在路边,也可问司机在哪儿下车。

WWW=Web Will Win
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发表于 2001-6-19 21:37 | 只看该作者
About Huang Jiu, You can find in China Town.Take orange line get off at Place-D'Armes or take green line get off at Saint Laurent.
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发表于 2001-6-22 10:58 | 只看该作者
How to locate SUPER C?  thank you  

Junior Member
Member # 699
posted 06-22-2001 11:15                    
I know one position on JEAN-TALON,between
LANGELIER and RADISSON,bus 141 can get you there.you will find some other wonderful super-market over there.
上帖提问前,你search了吗? 很多问题,前面都有答案。
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发表于 2001-6-22 15:59 | 只看该作者
Sorry to reply so late. I am very busy these days.

1.on the road "ST-Jacques", between "West Broadway" and "Cavendish"
2.At east of Montreal. On the corner of "Jean-Talon" and "Boul.Langelier"("Boul" is French name of "road/street"). Not only SuperC, but also a lot of big supermarkets. Very huge shopping area.

You need to find where you live and try to find the nearest supermarket there.

other info:

Addess of Jean-Talon open market(means "xiao cai chang"):
Metro(blue line/Orange line) station "Jean Talon". on road "Casgrain" and "Marche-du-Nord"(both are small road".  It's at the west-south direction of the corner of "Jean-Talon"/"St-Denis"

"St-Laurent street 4001": I heard cheap there.

I am warmhearted and willing to help our Chinese. I will try my best to tell you all I know. But the only thing is :

Dear my homeland Chinese: Please don't slander "Shanghai" people anymore.

mail me: mobilplayer@etang.com
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