热情回复,我才无心快语,有了和我女儿那段对话,完全没料到由此她给我了这个相识的机会。所以我理所当然要在这里真诚地谢谢从@#$%开始的每一个朋友,无以为报,但至少应该让各位知道下文吧。第二个原因是,我还收到不少真诚的PM给我鼓励,我也要感谢他们。其中,今天一封信写道:一个成功的事例不但会让当事人自己感到温暖,也会让周围的大片人得到鼓励 。。。。。。所以我还是应该再来罗嗦一次的。好吧,我就把我们的对话拷贝在这里,祝天下有情人终成眷属,同时把这我个“征”告一段落吧。
Hi, I just saw your post of seeking girlfriend. Don't easily give up! everybody is different, what you are doing now is to find the one really matching you, the more special you are, the less chance you get to find her, ... but, that's life, that's the world supposes to be - hope!
Open your heart, move on just like thousands of people do
- with happiness.
Many thanks for encouraging. I did not give it up at all. My case came to a big turn a couple of days later when I put my last post there. A single mother contacted me and we keep in touch now. In my mind, she is just excellent, beautiful as well, and her kid is at the same age as mine. Everything seems perfect so far. I hope it can work out someday although I know that I still have long way to go.
I appreciate your intend for helping so much. What a warm winter! I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year!
Thanks again.
Excellent! Best wish to both of you:-)
Finding another perfect half is acturally not harder than holding this idea. But in montreal's winter, it comes more precious. Every successful cases warm not only you but all people around. Still you get a lot of effort to do, I believe you both will make it work anyhow.
Enjoy your holiday season, have fun! |