Post by lovelysummer;3020642
比较好奇的是:楼主是怎么被发现没换雪胎的? 检查车子是否安装了雪胎可不是那么容易的事, 很多四季胎的花纹跟雪胎也差不多, 要想查明是否是雪胎,警察GG得蹲在地上,撅着屁股把你的轮胎侧面擦干净,仔细地找那个雪花标志才行,所以吃这个罚单的可能性通常不大呀,难道楼主遇到专门查雪胎的条子了?再或者是楼主刹车打滑被正好被条子看见产生了怀疑?但最近天气不冷,地面上没什么冰,应该不会打滑呀.
Winter tires are one of the best ways to say safe while driving in freezing weather. In fact in 2008, Quebec became the first province to legally require the use of winter tires during the winter months. Not just for snowy roads, winter tires use special compounds to improve your traction, stopping and handling whenever the thermometer dips below 7°C/45°F.
Regular all season tires lose elasticity when the temperature dips below 7°C/45°F. Winter tires are constructed with a special compound that allows them to retain more elasticity in cold temperatures. Technologically engineered tread designs prevent snow build-up and improve ice and snow traction more than ever before—so you get a better grip on the road and better control of your vehicle.