Post by buguonvzi
: G5 C1 J4 v! ^% u: Q+ z$ ?6 a( D 我之前一直用西联汇款往国内汇钱。之后知道了MONEYGRAM,发现它的汇费比西联汇款便宜不少,又换了它来汇钱。现在才知道,原来MONEY GRAM之所以汇费便宜,是因为它把加币转换成美圆,然后国内再转换成人民币。但是西联汇款直接汇到国内的是加币,然后再转换成的人民币。现在美圆持续走低,这样看来,虽然MONEY GRAM比西联汇款的汇费便宜10加币,好象还是用西联汇款合适些呢,而且西联汇款汇的多还会有汇费优惠政策,而MONEYGRAM却没有任何优惠。: V- m+ A4 B# d' M* t* ~( n
: L* f3 ~& B! U# Y大家说到底用哪个方式比较好呢? Moneygram is fast, it takes 10mins to get it to the destination. I tried it twice. The only bad thing is about the currency exchange. They use U.S dollar as a standard, any non-U.S dollar must be converted to U.S. Last year, when CAD was about the same as USD, I sent money to Hong Kong, moneygram was fine. 2 weeks ago, I used it once to send some money to Taiwan, and literally lost about $200 NT(xin tai bi), which is around 5 to 6 CAD. 0 V% M) Q7 f. J" y% b1 \
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At the time being(CAD is higher than USD) I think using Western Union is better. But you have to check the currency rate first, ask the people there how much will the recipient ACTUALLY get. Compare it with MoneyGram and decide. Or you can also send paper bills by letter, even with regular airmail, it won't get lose or penalized as long as you wrap all the paper bills(NO COINS!) with 1 or 2 normal paper than can cover them up.
* ^& q. x! s0 j, t. q9 c5 j
" e% k$ P9 ?) O4 {Hope it helps |