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[电脑] 装高清卫星电视锅(免费收看的那种),在这里合法吗?

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发表于 2009-8-27 18:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

发表于 2009-8-27 19:25 | 只看该作者
Yes, but you probably have to check your bylaw if you live in a condo.
Post by ccn;2345684

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发表于 2009-8-27 21:21 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-8-28 03:12 | 只看该作者
近期不用想,所有的解码器都不工作,少数用iks (internet key sharing)的可以看小部分台,不过时间也不会长。等有了新的破解再说。

只要锅不在公共场合,小于38“就行了。 有些condo可能不让外墙装,不过可以放在晾台上,前提面朝南。

P.S. 前一段这里有人卖解码器,iks的,但是那个解码器9月1号以后厂家就不提供key更新服务了,那人居然还拿到这里卖,嗨~~,不说什么了。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-8-28 04:37 | 只看该作者




Did you know that there are literally hundreds of American and other foreign television channels that are purposely made "unavailable" to you by the Canadian Government and CRTC?

Do you own a small satellite system (DirecTV or Dish Network) or a big C-band dish? Did you know that your government and other parties with a vested interest (Bell Expressvu, Starchoice, Cable Companies) have made it illegal to receive ANY foreign television transmissions that have not been approved or sanctioned by them?

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in April that federal broadcasting law prohibits Canadians from gaining access to direct-to-home satellite TV signals from providers other than Toronto-based Bell ExpressVu LP a unit of Bell Canada and Star Choice Communications Inc. of Calgary.

Under existing Canadian laws, users of so-called grey-market satellite dishes people who PAY for a U.S.-based satellite service face up to one year in jail, or a $5,000 fine. Firms found guilty of the same offence face a $25,000 fine. This includes the big C-band dishes (that Canadians have had since the 1970's) as well.

The CRTC and governments have taken it upon themselves to decide what is okay for you to watch and what you can't. The CRTC's so called "white list" contains all the American and International channels that can be distributed in Canada. And all the other channels that aren't on it are forbidden to you as we, as Canadians, are obviously considered too dumb by our government to choose for ourselves what we should watch and so the decision is made for us like we are a bunch of preschoolers.

The channels that are on the "white list" are the ones that are available on cablevision. There are literally hundreds of channels that our governments say are "illegal" to watch and discourage us from disobeying them by slapping our wrists and declaring that Canadians watching "grey market" TV are lawbreakers!

If we have the ability to watch a program on television and we want to watch it in the privacy of our own home, then we should be able to do so! Without any governments or corporations declaring us a lawbreaker!

Silly me I was also under the impression that we lived in a free country, but that also is proving to be a fallacy.

I agree with the fact that Canadian companies have paid big money to acquire the broadcasting rights of some of the American companies, but the last time I checked, viewership was a privilege not a right, and if these Canadian companies want us to watch their programming instead, then they should do so by making it worth watching! And not because we are forced to!

We do not need government minions and functionaries to decide what television my children and family can watch.

This "Big Brother" attitude must be curbed here! Or it will set a precedent for other things! If this continues one day it may be illegal to read anything other than Canadian magazines or books.
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