1. 第一个问题,我不是说需要新开一个 file, 父母可以报在dependant那里,跟孩子的一样的。 只不过在电子提交的时候,父母的 tax return是需要逐个提交的。 如果是孩子,不够18岁,他们没有收入, 软件是不会提示需要提交的。
第二个问题,请参看以下:f, at any time in 2015, you (either alone or with another person) maintained a dwelling where you and one or more of your dependants lived, you may be able to claim a maximum amount of $4,608 ($6,701 if he or she is eligible for the family caregiver amount) for each dependant.
Each dependant must have met all of the following criteria:
He or she was18 years of age or older
He or she had a net income in 2015 (line 236 of his or her return, or it would have been if he or she filed a return) of less than $20,343 ($22,436 if he or she was eligible for the family caregiver amount)
He or she was dependent on you due to an impairment in physical or mental functions
If the dependant is your or your spouse's or common-law partner's parent or grandparent, he or she had to have been born in 1950 or earlier.
这里说的 impairment , 指的是身体或者精神有毛病的, 如果身体健康的,我认为不可以申请 care giver amount的。 当然, 在联邦里申请这个免税因素,不需要提交医生证明。 你如果选择打钩了,税局也不会深究。 但是 family care giver ,就是需要医生证明的。
3. 这个只是跟年龄有关,和同住在一起