今天在班里,我正跟另外一个人聊天,突然听见我们班那个印度人跟两个加拿大人聊天,说起中国来,然后那个印度人就瞎扯了开始,说oh did you know thoese chinese.... they....当时我就对他说,hey .... what did you say about the chinese?
and he said why do you want to know? and i said, well, coz i'm chinese and when you say 所有的中国人, that just includes me too. 然后他就不答理我了。
我就继续说so, you better not be saying something bad about us.
这时候那个加拿大人说,...no no no, were not saying anything bad, we're just comparing the different culture stuff.
就这时候,tmd那个印度人对我说,说你们中国人又怎么了。 kkkkkk!!!!!!fffffffffff
anyways, after when the canadian was gone, i said to the sb, you knowXXXX you really $uck, and he starts mumbling sth, and i said i don't care you just really $uck.
因为我们比他们强,他们就嫉妒,don't tell me i'm wrong, i just know it. he's been sitting across from me for about half a year le. and the truth just stands out.
以前我跟他还可以,但今早就因为我考试时他过来偷看我的答案,然后我没给他看,因为他下午要考同样的题,所以就。。。。这是导火索。但今天的事情不光这么简单,以前很多事情我早就注意到了。 |