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发表于 2002-6-11 23:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
来Montreal已经半年多了,可至今仍然没有自己的Lease,有时候去申办各种学校或者cofi,总需要Lease, 我一直使用的是别人的担保信件,就是说我租用别人的房子,使用别人的lease 和证明,


谢谢,真的很苦恼! 老是出示那个证明,(我所住的房子更换名字后很难申请)
发表于 2002-6-18 05:55 | 只看该作者
The lease is better one of the proof to show how long you have been here.
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发表于 2002-6-21 18:15 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-7-17 09:03 | 只看该作者
当然,有了lease房东就不能随便把你赶走,而你也不能说搬走就搬走了,这就叫legal binding.
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发表于 2003-8-20 10:03 | 只看该作者
A lease is a contract.
A lease is a contract concluded between a landlord and a tenant that defines their respective commitments concerning a dwelling.
The lease form of the Régie du logement is mandatory since September 1st 1996. It must be used for any new residential lease whether it is a room, an appartment, a condominium, a house, etc.

Also the schedule Services for the Elderly must be completed whenever special services are offered to elderly or handicapped persons. Leases that include that schedule are sold at the offices of the Régie du logement and in Quebec bookstores.

Leases for Special Clienteles
If it is land that is rented and intended for the installation of a mobile home then the mandatory lease form to complete is the form Lease of Land intended for the Installation of a Mobile Home. This form is available at the offices of the Régie.

If it is a dwelling in a cooperative that is rented then the mandatory lease form to complete is the form Lease of a dwelling in a Cooperative. This form is available at the offices of the Régie as well as at the offices of housing co-ops.

In the Case of a Verbal Lease
In that case, the landlord must give the tenant a form entitled Mandatory Writing within ten days of the agreement. This form is sold at the offices of the Régie du logement.

Regie Du logement
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