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请教购买无legal warranty房子的问题

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发表于 2014-1-28 09:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
看到一些房子,低于市政估价,没有legal warranty。买的话需要注意什么问题?有没有warranty区别在哪里?谢谢!
发表于 2014-8-19 17:02 | 只看该作者
Post by xyz888;3403796

我当时卖房子的时候有同胞来看房,看到没有LEGAL WARRANTY,要求降价。其实也无所谓,自己不卖就是了。我当时就拒绝了OFFER。
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-30 23:24 | 只看该作者
Post by aoe;3402975
我当时卖房子就没legal warranty. 不是想隐瞒什么。我要搬走了。不想以后还有什么麻烦。买家自己找验房师把关。觉得合适就买。不行就算。

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发表于 2014-6-28 20:34 | 只看该作者
Post by xyz888;3350099

1. 注意''This sale is made without legal warranty of quality, at the buyer’s risk.'' 注意"of quality"不能少,否则如有朋友说的,所有权有疑问就麻烦了。

2. " the seller warrants the buyer that the property is free from defects, existing at the time of the sale, that would render it unfit for the use for which it is intended or which would so diminish its usefulness that the buyer would not have bought it or paid so high a price if he had been aware of them. "

"The seller is not bound, however, to warrant against defects known to the buyer or a defect that a prudent and diligent buyer could have perceived."

"The fact that the seller is unaware of the defect, or that the defect does not become manifest until after the sale, in no way reduces the warranty."


3.  ”A more frequent occurrence is the waiving of the warranty of quality, including when an immovable is sold by an estate or following repossession. Under certain circumstances, it may even be a good idea to recommend to a seller to sell without a warranty of quality. This could be the case when selling the property of an elderly person who does not want to worry about a potential recourse for a latent defect on the part of the buyer, a recourse which could be exercised against the person’s estate.“

4. ”a seller who wishes to sell an immovable without a warranty of quality must know:that the warranty waiver may have an impact on the selling price and that it will not protect him from a lawsuit for defects of which he was aware and should have declared.“

”Individuals buying a property without a warranty of quality must be informed that, should they discover a defect of which they were unaware, they will have no recourse against the seller, unless they can demonstrate that the seller acted in bad faith by purposely hiding a defect of which he was aware.“

没有warranty of quality时,不管出现什么问题,如果不能证明卖家有意隐瞒,买家就不能索赔。

综上所述,不管是否有warranty of quality,只要是卖家声明过的问题,以后都不能索赔。有warranty需要索赔时,买方需要先证明该问题的时间点(交易时是否存在)、严重程度(是否影响使用和房屋价值)、隐性程度(是否验房时应该能看出来)......


我当时卖房子就没legal warranty. 不是想隐瞒什么。我要搬走了。不想以后还有什么麻烦。买家自己找验房师把关。觉得合适就买。不行就算。
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-3 10:38 | 只看该作者
Post by 1a2b3c;3349508


1. 注意''This sale is made without legal warranty of quality, at the buyer’s risk.'' 注意"of quality"不能少,否则如有朋友说的,所有权有疑问就麻烦了。

2. " the seller warrants the buyer that the property is free from defects, existing at the time of the sale, that would render it unfit for the use for which it is intended or which would so diminish its usefulness that the buyer would not have bought it or paid so high a price if he had been aware of them. "

"The seller is not bound, however, to warrant against defects known to the buyer or a defect that a prudent and diligent buyer could have perceived."

"The fact that the seller is unaware of the defect, or that the defect does not become manifest until after the sale, in no way reduces the warranty."


3.  ”A more frequent occurrence is the waiving of the warranty of quality, including when an immovable is sold by an estate or following repossession. Under certain circumstances, it may even be a good idea to recommend to a seller to sell without a warranty of quality. This could be the case when selling the property of an elderly person who does not want to worry about a potential recourse for a latent defect on the part of the buyer, a recourse which could be exercised against the person’s estate.“

4. ”a seller who wishes to sell an immovable without a warranty of quality must know:that the warranty waiver may have an impact on the selling price and that it will not protect him from a lawsuit for defects of which he was aware and should have declared.“

”Individuals buying a property without a warranty of quality must be informed that, should they discover a defect of which they were unaware, they will have no recourse against the seller, unless they can demonstrate that the seller acted in bad faith by purposely hiding a defect of which he was aware.“

没有warranty of quality时,不管出现什么问题,如果不能证明卖家有意隐瞒,买家就不能索赔。

综上所述,不管是否有warranty of quality,只要是卖家声明过的问题,以后都不能索赔。有warranty需要索赔时,买方需要先证明该问题的时间点(交易时是否存在)、严重程度(是否影响使用和房屋价值)、隐性程度(是否验房时应该能看出来)......

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-3 09:33 | 只看该作者
Post by garbo;3349367

所以要注意:''This sale is made without legal warranty of quality, at the buyer’s risk."

一定不能少“of quality"
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发表于 2014-2-1 11:04 | 只看该作者


Post by xyz888;3348347
看到一些房子,低于市政估价,没有legal warranty。买的话需要注意什么问题?有没有warranty区别在哪里?谢谢!


The legal warranty of ownership and quality
Article Number: 123006

June 3, 2013 - 11:22
(Update of the article published on October 21, 2005)

What is a ''legal warranty''? A person selling movable or immovable property must warrant that the property is free from any defect in title and any latent defects, except those declared before the sale. That is what is generally known as the ''legal warranty'', which has two components, i.e. the warranty of ownership and the warranty of quality. These warranties exist by operation of law, i.e. they do not have to be specified in the contract.

[color="red"]The warranty of ownership:

The warranty of ownership assures the buyer that:

the property is free of all rights except those declared by the seller;
the seller has discharged the property of all hypothecs, except for those assumed by the buyer;
the property is not subject to any encroachment on the part of the seller or a third person; and that
the property does not violate any restrictions of public law, except those declared by the seller or those that the buyer should have discovered.

[color="red"]The warranty of quality:

Under the warranty of quality, the seller warrants the buyer that the property is free from defects, existing at the time of the sale, that would render it unfit for the use for which it is intended or which would so diminish its usefulness that the buyer would not have bought it or paid so high a price if he had been aware of them. The seller is not bound, however, to warrant against defects known to the buyer or a defect that a prudent and diligent buyer could have perceived. This is why it is so important for a buyer to have a prospective purchase inspected by an expert. The fact that the seller is unaware of the defect, or that the defect does not become manifest until after the sale, in no way reduces the warranty. However, if the seller was aware of the defect, his liability would be increased to include, in addition to the reduction in value of the immovable, all other losses sustained by the buyer.

[color="red"]Waiving the legal warranty of quality

The legal warranty may be increased, reduced or even waived upon agreement between the parties to a transaction. Except in rare cases, waiving the warranty of ownership (warranty of title) is never recommended. A more frequent occurrence is the waiving of the warranty of quality, including when an immovable is sold by an estate or following repossession. Under certain circumstances, it may even be a good idea to recommend to a seller to sell without a warranty of quality. This could be the case when selling the property of an elderly person who does not want to worry about a potential recourse for a latent defect on the part of the buyer, a recourse which could be exercised against the person’s estate. The warranty of quality may be waived for the entire property or only on certain components such as the pool or the appliances included in the sale. If the warranty of quality is waived on the entire property, the following clause must be included in the promise to purchase:

[color="teal"]''This sale is made without legal warranty of quality, at the buyer’s risk.''

If the exclusion concerns only one or more components, the word ''concerning'' should be added at the end of the clause, followed by a description of the excluded component(s). If the warranty of quality waiver is required by the seller from the very beginning, words to that effect must be included both in the brokerage contract and on the detailed description sheet.

[color="red"]The real estate broker's duty

The real estate broker has a duty to inform the seller and the buyer of the consequences of waiving the warranty of quality. For example, a seller who wishes to sell an immovable without a warranty of quality must know:

that this information must appear on the description sheet and that, depending on the market at the time, this could reduce the level of interest on the part of prospective buyers.
that the warranty waiver may have an impact on the selling price and that it will not protect him from a lawsuit for defects of which he was aware and should have declared.

[color="red"]Declarations by the Seller

To this effect, in the case of a residential immovable containing less than five dwellings including divided or undivided co-ownership, the Declarations by the Seller of the immovable form disclosing any factor that could affect the value of the immovable must be duly completed under the same circumstances as the appropriate Brokerage contract – Sale form. Individuals buying a property without a warranty of quality must be informed that, should they discover a defect of which they were unaware, they will have no recourse against the seller, unless they can demonstrate that the seller acted in bad faith by purposely hiding a defect of which he was aware.

[color="red"]Pre-purchase inspection

Such buyers must also be told that they should have the property inspected in greater depth than the inspection usually done on a property sold with a warranty of quality. Note that the article “Compliance with building inspection rules: this concerns you closely” is a reminder of broker’s inspection responsibilities. Of course, the building inspector hired for this inspection must be notified that the immovable is being sold without legal warranty, so that he may take this into account when doing the inspection. Finally, the buyer should require that the seller provide him with a copy of the Declarations by the Seller of the immovable.
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发表于 2014-1-31 18:13 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-31 11:39 | 只看该作者
Post by 9494;3349039
看着合适就买,管这么多干嘛?对于legal warranty的问题建议你付费问专业律师,这里不花钱,你得不到满意的答案。

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发表于 2014-1-30 15:15 | 只看该作者
Post by xyz888;3348948


好的,问题来了:法律为我做主,前提是我提供充足的证据。我如何证明卖方有意隐瞒(这是一个最关键的前提)?既然验屋没看出来的很可能的原因是不容易看到或者表面根本看不到,卖方说不知情也是合情合理合法的呀.... 而且官司打起来旷日持久、结果不明.....

这个legal warranty到底能保护我什么?如果只是心理安慰,房子主要是长期自住的话(投资快进快出另当别论),那么值不值那几万我就要打个问号了。

有没有以legal warranty索赔成功的案例?
看着合适就买,管这么多干嘛?对于legal warranty的问题建议你付费问专业律师,这里不花钱,你得不到满意的答案。
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