现在蓝带啤酒在促销,12 a pack,can or bottle 12$ about except tax
如果只有两个人建议你买 monson hi dry 1.8 lt,够劲
如果买适合中国人口味的建议买:百威 或者 heniken,也不贵
最贵的是tornado little bottle 要5元左右。
如果迎合这边人的口味建议买blue or blue dry 8.1% or 6.1% 或者sleeman
如果是酒鬼就买blackbull or wildcat
the big problem is if you buy some beer from supermarket,you just can drink them in your own house.if you want to drink in pub or bar or club,you have to pay a lot.that's why i said drinking would take about $100:frown: