至电本社区的CLSC的护士,她们可为你推荐妇产医生。如果你的英文很好,我建议你去看犹太医生(一些产科专用词都不难)。如果你喜欢华裔医生,我认为Dr. Andrew Mok 很好,他能讲国语,粤说。我的一些朋友的小孩就是由他接生的。不过他需要预约,而且每次收$10诊费,(太阳卡和保险公司都不cover,即自费)。我想在9月份,他也不会拒绝你。
my wife is with a baby now.and we want to find a doctor who can speak chinese.
we also want to know the procedure of applying for the help.the doctor's attitude in our region's CLSC is very bad and her appointment takes about 1.5 month!
I once took my baby to see one woman doctor (specialist on kids recommended by children's hospital),who can speak Madarin.near Metro Du College with appointments.