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发表于 2006-10-22 10:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
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置身于荒山旷野黑暗之中,。没有人烟,没有食物,更没有花香和鸟语,占有狂风的肆虐和无情的霹雳雷电,诡秘叵测的大山深处不时传来恐怖凄惨的呼啸令你无所适从亦无法找到归宿。你轻轻怃摸着那可怜的唯一和你相依为命的小生命,让其安详地躺在你的怀抱而试图平息它的不安。 雷雨似乎没有要停的意思,虽然你浑身几乎湿透,仍不忘用你的衣衫为那小精灵遮挡雨水的侵袭。

跪下双膝你祈求上帝允许你回到你所向往的地方而不是这人间地狱;然一切均已为时太晚。 你试图了解这个世界,期望以你的仁爱善良赢得理解以换得一席生存之地。然而无论任何努力,以至将你拥有的一切完全奉献于这个世界,却仍然无法获得接纳。你试图探索一条通往你所向往世界的通道,无奈这世界如同迷宫一般令你永远无法改变命运无情的作弄和困扰。。。


• 惜别―谨献给我的爱妻翠琴:一、缅怀


• 惜别: 二、童年

• 惜别: 三、初恋

• 惜别:四、相爱

• 惜别:五、出国

• 惜别:六、创业

• 惜别:七、玄机

• 惜别:八、不测


• 关于【惜别】及其它

• 关于【惜别】一文的重写随想

• 信息分享:魁省华裔创家立业必需

发表于 2008-1-29 09:51 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-1-29 07:07 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-29 03:10 | 只看该作者








  爱 女长得的确是人见人爱。在大陆,整个街坊、单位的同事和朋友均将其娇惯得如小公主一般;即便来到了加国,除了还是那么甜美,她那善解人意和宽容令其仍在我 新的朋友圈内一如既往的获得宠爱。然家事不幸非但重创了我的心态,也无可避免地波及到了她的成长并在她的心灵烙上了伤痛的烙印。。。

  十 六周岁对每个人生来说都是一个重大的转折,况且她还是一个没了娘的孩子?看看她周围每个孩子十六周岁生日的风光,囊中羞涩的我欲实在是一无所措。。。记得 接她由学校回来的路上,女儿错愕地睁着一双泪眼凝望着我――因为她实在无法相信握这既当爹又当妈的父亲竟然会把自己唯一的女儿十六周岁的生日忘了一干二 净。。。

  望着泪水洗面的女儿,我除了默默陪着流泪,人儿仿佛成了一具僵硬的雕塑。除了钱财买来的礼物,思绪再三,几乎一无所有的我还能拿什么作为爱女的生日礼物?躺在床上,渐渐的,天花板成了我人生一幕幕坎坷历程的屏幕――由此,【LIFE EXPERIENCE & ADVICE】便成了女儿十六周岁生日唯一的特殊礼物了:




  Never hurt or trust anyone easily unless it proved

  Never give up easily unless you found a reason

  Keep eyes open, listen a message & try much less to open a mouth

  Keep contact with your friends & support each other

  Don’t let everyone to read your mind

  Don’t make any promises easily unless you could offer it

  Always knew what you doing & why you did it

  Always looking forward to watch your next steppes

  Refresh what’s happened in the day before go to your bed

  Never feel useless because you already did your Best

  By then go ahead:

  Take every opportunity & advantage to enjoy everymoment of your life!


Wrote it for my daughter Rosy’s 16th birthday& edited on her engagement day.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-9 14:32 | 只看该作者
For certain point, I agreed with you--and it made me recall about 10 years ago when I was chatting with girl from Indonisia who hate our Chinese with no reason...

We were chatting each other a few weeks already, and everything seem smooth also gentle with all the coversation we had; but suddenly she stopped to chat with me when I told her that I am a Chinese.

To make a story short, I brought her back and asking her why, and I made her understood the reason why a lot of Chinese has business to run also own properties, which just a few of them even they are the original people here (it happened at most of eastern/Southern countries in Asian).

Finally we became friends again. You made a good point here as you mentioned; but how to solution? To be involved with majority sociaty, involve with the politic and the legal justice system.

Yes, we do have to adjust ourselves to feet in the majority society, but It not enough to accept as you mentioned of "the goverment will not let you starve and die. " because we are equal as same like the majority people here.

As you believe I am over reacting with the treatment I received; not a problem, I am willing to meet you in person and to let you see by your own eyes before you confirm your this conclusion

Nice to exchange our thoughts; but I would more pleased to discuss with you at the thread I already link it to you:
    社区活动公告 Bulletin Board:
老潘, 我建议你挑头成立一个移民间互相帮助, 互相排解烦恼的组织。【回复MONTREAL1999】
Post by mfeous
"lots of Chinese have money, because we work harder"

this is the root for lots of problems. because of the money, lots of us work like a dog, no life at all, because of money or career, lots of us even send their babies back to china and let their grandparnets to take care of them.....
some people might argue they have no choices. it is nonesense! why do you need a big house? why do you have to have cable? why do you need cellphone..., worst of worst, even if you don't have any of above things, the goverment will not let you starve and die.

re ajust our thinking and have a balanced view of the life, this is what i am talking about

i think you overreacted to say "we didn't receive equal treatment from the majority society in many ways". frankly speaking, i think this is a firely justed society in many ways, but defineity it is not perfect.

i had similar expreince, but i don't blame the system. simply you and i can not use one or 2 inccidents to make the conclusion.
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发表于 2008-1-9 13:44 | 只看该作者
"lots of Chinese have money, because we work harder"

this is the root for lots of problems. because of the money, lots of us work like a dog, no life at all, because of money or career, lots of us even send their babies back to china and let their grandparnets to take care of them.....
some people might argue they have no choices. it is nonesense! why do you need a big house? why do you have to have cable? why do you need cellphone..., worst of worst, even if you don't have any of above things, the goverment will not let you starve and die.

re ajust our thinking and have a balanced view of the life, this is what i am talking about

i think you overreacted to say "we didn't receive equal treatment from the majority society in many ways". frankly speaking, i think this is a firely justed society in many ways, but defineity it is not perfect.

i had similar expreince, but i don't blame the system. simply you and i can not use one or 2 inccidents to make the conclusion.

Post by peterpan1668
To mfeous: Look at over our overseas Chinese society--yes, lots of Chinese have money, because we work harder; but we didn't receive equal treatment from the majority society in many ways. Yes, today the situation is better than before, but still. It's hard to explain to you unless you might experience it by your own.

To 圆明园: I agreed with you and you made very good points here "together we can build trust. " Let's try our best!

By the way, the thread removed to     社区活动公告 Bulletin Board:
老潘, 我建议你挑头成立一个移民间互相帮助, 互相排解烦恼的组织。【回复MONTREAL1999】

Welcome to join the discussion HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL
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发表于 2008-1-9 10:07 | 只看该作者
my kind of trust is inclusive and universal
Be the change you wish to see in the world
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发表于 2008-1-9 09:53 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-9 07:59 | 只看该作者
To mfeous:  Look at over our overseas Chinese society--yes, lots of Chinese have money, because we work harder; but we didn't receive equal treatment from the majority society in many ways. Yes, today the situation is better than before, but still. It's hard to explain to you unless you might experience it by your own.

To 圆明园: I agreed with you and you made very good points here  "together we can build trust. " Let's try our best!

By the way, the thread removed to           社区活动公告 Bulletin Board:
老潘, 我建议你挑头成立一个移民间互相帮助, 互相排解烦恼的组织。【回复MONTREAL1999】

Welcome to join the discussion HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL
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发表于 2008-1-8 14:22 | 只看该作者
mfeous, i can't agree more with you.
it is very important to have rule of law.
however, to make it work we must build trust, trust between individuals.

together we can build trust.
1. to be fair, any exchange must be mutually beneficial
2. to be honest, yesterday's deal may look stupid, but we must honor our commitment
3. if we do it all the time, we will have a trust worthy reputation, it will make everything easy.
Be the change you wish to see in the world
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