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[手机] 很生气:Bell的长途服务

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发表于 2001-10-31 01:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
BELL太讨厌啦,我算是他的老用户啦,还用了SYMPATICO HIGH SPEED,以前使用长途还25C每分钟。搬家后一直没有开通长途。最近申请居然要收月费,29C一分钟,岂有此理!BELL怎么这样!!气死我啦!!!(现在听说才20C一分钟)
发表于 2004-1-27 18:57 | 只看该作者
try Sprint Canada

1 888 592 8544
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发表于 2004-1-27 13:35 | 只看该作者
I spend a lot of time and money to deal with Bell about my phone service. I am so angry. Strong suggest we do not use this company. If some people have another good company, share it!
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发表于 2004-1-26 17:25 | 只看该作者
我也有个问题实在不明白,想请教一下,同时请各位朋友小心,别发生我这样的事。我用的是电话拨号上网,前几天收到BILL公司的帐单,里面莫名其妙多了几十元钱,都是关于一个900-561-5999的,我打电话去BILL,他们说这是上网联的。我问他们是关于什么的网站,他们说不知道,如果我想知道再交十元钱,但很确定是外文网站。我的英语法语都不好,我不可能去什么英文的网站。而且很奇怪,这些都是在晚2点钟之后发生的。我天天在网上挂着,白天都没事。而且是连续的,有时一晚拨两次,一分钟就2.99。我不确定那么晚我是否在上网,但我很肯定我没去什么乱七八糟的网站。BILL公司说只要电话上网,就有可能发生这种事,他们竟然说我这是钱少的,有的更多.我觉得我未享受着,花多少钱都冤.有谁有过这种事的,给个意见参考,我该去找BILL理论么? 我实在是不懂,有哪位朋友明白,请指点。
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发表于 2002-6-16 10:38 | 只看该作者
WireCare manintenance plan的意思是如果你的电话线出现问题,他们会免费为你维修,否则可能收你100$。 这个服务相当于保险。 但是如果电话线出问题出在户外,也就是没进你的房子,那么bell是免费修的,所以这个服务我认为基本没有必要。


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发表于 2002-6-15 15:07 | 只看该作者
各位:我上月开通电话时不知道为什么多了‘WireCare manintenance plan’一项服务,每月多收3.75元,即电话月费为27.7+TAX,我们房东说这项服务没有必要,我想CANCEL它,可BELL说必须到明年才能CANCEL,如果现在CANCEL我必须交25元.哪位知道我是否就这样忍耐了?
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发表于 2002-6-13 17:04 | 只看该作者
Hello, Richard Xia Hello, Richard Xia
Thanks for your reply,but the problem is I tried to call them(maybe the person is manager),they said it is not their mistake!I'll go on fighting with them!
thanks again!
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发表于 2002-6-13 10:08 | 只看该作者
hi coolsea, call their manager of service department, last time, after I called her, she solved my problems.
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发表于 2002-6-12 22:53 | 只看该作者
开始我用的是STARTAC的 长途电话公司,一次Bell的一个人给我电话说让我回到BELL,然后给我更便宜的价格,可是这个月当我收到帐单时,他们却按2。4每分钟扣钱,我打电话给他们,他们不承认他们的一个人给过我电话,我也不知道那个人的名字,又无法对峙,希望大家给我个主义,我应该怎么办?要付这钱么?
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发表于 2002-5-15 22:53 | 只看该作者
There is no change in my bill. I began to use Sympatico High Speed last May. It was also a promotion offer. I got first two months free. After that, the monthly fee is $39.99 including modem rental.I don't know what's your situation. Maybe you can appeal, or just change your long distance service provider to another company. I did the change this March, and I never thought to use the long distance bundle before. However, last month, a lady from bell called me and inquiried the reason of change. I told her I only selected the reasonable rates. Then she suggested me to use the long distance bundle, which cost $5. It includes $120 direct call to any country, and each minute over 120 will be 20c/m. I accepted it, and now I called China by this offer and 世界通 together. Maybe it is time to change if you are not satisfied. Hope it may be helpful.
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