*** BOP in Ottawa are cheaper, if u go to Ottawa sometimes, have your wine made there ***
*** If u have a cool basement, wine from concentrate good for 2+years, wine from juice good for 3+++ years ***
3 different methods to find a BOP or wine store:
A. "Vin & biere - Production Equipement & Fournitures" in Yellow Page, more listed in French section.
B. >30 kit manufacturers, find them on the web then look for suppliers on thier website.
C. We believe there are a total of ~62 BOP in Quebec, roughly ~42 belongs to the association @ http://www.acvq.org/listemembre.html.%20(Advice: don't go to those that do not belong to the association)
*Ottawa - Many stores BOP~$25+(labour cost)/batch, kits + must + grape skins, please look for them yourselves.
In Montreal, mostly $3.X-$4.x/bottle, 30瓶/batch(=桶), >10 stores(零售商not 酒厂), >100 varieties. 冰酒相似价格. |