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MP 自酿 (5) - Resources

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发表于 2008-12-25 08:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
之前 东藏西写的,害MP自己也要东寻西找的,现在 全收集在这里。

这系列的帖子 - 不回答问题, 欢迎更正内容!
发表于 2013-1-27 10:46 | 只看该作者


最后一次回答如何联系酒厂/供应商: 在网上搜索 “wine making” 或 “winemaking” 随意加 supplies/equipment/kits/etc.,可以使用谷歌或411.ca,下面的 #6 有一个粗略的列表。通常制造商(manufacturer)的网站有自己的搜索引擎,可以找到(靠近你的)零售商店信息。想知道通常什么时候和怎样的特价,可以直接问零售商店(retailer) ,人家回答与否 要看人家情绪。

1. MP 自酿 (0)+(2) 合并成 - 如何酿制葡萄酒 @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=476692
2. MP 自酿 (1) - 2年前写的东东 @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=605911
3. MP 自酿 (3) - 酿红/白葡萄酒 的变化玩法 @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=605967
4. MP 自酿 (4) - Fact & Fiction + Mics. @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=606965
5. MP 自酿 (5) - Resources @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=606966
6. 粗略的供应商/酒厂列表 - http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=622118 的8楼
7. 要交朋友的,问问题的,那边看 - 与喜欢做葡萄/啤酒的朋友交流 - http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=545245
8.  Costco酿酒的wine kit在打折 - http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?823121
[color="red"]MP 这"自酿"系列的帖子 - 不回答问题, 欢迎更正/补充内容!
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-21 14:36 | 只看该作者

Cheap Wine Kits at Big Box Stores

A.  Costco across Canada
* 2 companies, available at different Costco, ONLY during "Road Show"/ “Instant Rebate Event”   *
1.  PakLab for ~15 years, we call that BBQ/Party-Wine.  The Duo Kit (Merlot/Cab, Chardonay/Sauvignon) are light, some people prefer drinking them young.   www.paklabproducts.com
*** DO NOT buy the more expensive buckets!  They're bone dry, need minimum 1 year aging.  ***

2.  Argentia Ridge for ~2 years, limited knowledge.   Initial tasting - more body than Paklab's. (=Château Private Selection vs. Paklab's Vino Europa) www.argentiaridge.com

(Both companies above CLAIM that all their ingredients are NATURAL products, no artificial coloring, etc.)

B.  Costco in US
Only started few months ago, http://www.costco.com/Browse/Pro ... 163*&lang=en-US

C.  Zellers
Heard some Zellers in Eastern Toronto sell Wine Kits,  no further detail.

D.  Walmart
Some Walmart in US sell wine kits, no further detail.

E.  Sam's Club in US
Pacific Vintners 10-Days Wine Kits, http://www.samsclub.com/shopping/navigate.do?catg=12875
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-21 14:36 | 只看该作者

谈论冰酒 最多的贴子

最近买冰酒所想到的。。。 @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=495893
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-7 10:31 | 只看该作者

Public Libraries - Books & Video

Besides many books on Beer/Wine Making, a few samples of resources below *:

"Wine for the Confused" - DVD by John Cleese, basic + easy to watch, Central Library, # 641.22 C6241w 2004.

"Wine Confidental" - ~1-hr program broadcast on CBC some months ago.   IF it's available on CBC web site, worth watching .

二部黑白电影 - 电影很慢,但通过故事 给你介绍 过量喝酒 的问题。(AA=Alcoholics Anonymous):
1) "Blood and Wine" - Central Library Reference #: POL R136b.
2) "The Lost Weekend" - Central Library, Reference/Call#: DRA W6731L

For those who prefer reading: http://www.decanter.com/learning/
Chinese version of magazine: http://www.decanter-chinese.com.tw/xoops/

*  Reminder:  Do your search, ask for ~"Inter-Library Loan" at your local library, believe they will have your requested books/DVD delivered to your library at $0.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-1 17:47 | 只看该作者

Recipes for Wines

The world of wine is limitless, enjoy the labels and stories from the following:
http://walterswine.blogspot.com/ ... &max-results=38

Many funny recipes for wines on web, search.  Normally we use the one by Jack Keller, if one is available.  http://winemaking.jackkeller.net
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-26 16:06 | 只看该作者

Wineries in Quebec

I'm not sure how many, but growing.  

Good place to start is Tourism Quebec.  I've called and got a colorful brochure on wine route for Eastern Township few years ago.  http://www.bonjourquebec.com/ca- ... -quebec_431679.html

Quebec Wine Growers Association, representing ~45 wineries for now.  (not all wineries are members) http://www.vignerons-du-quebec.com/.  Look for mapS and listingS of regional wine routeS on their web site.

59 Quebec Wineries listed @ http://www.winesofcanada.com/quebec.html

Saw "Quebec Wine" on Wikipedia @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_wine.

There's a "La Route des vins 4 Monts" for the Monteregie region.  If u were there, try the Le Poire (梨酒)  http://www.de-lavoie.com.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-25 10:33 | 只看该作者

Videos - Wine Tasting, Basics, etc. (not wine-making)

Sample links to get u started:  :p
Larry"The Wine Guy" Lesson #1 @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Et9gq8nr6dQ

Tasting Italian Wine ' Barolos @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upv7g7IC9UY

2-Buck-Chuck @ http://tv.winelibrary.com/2007/0 ... erchuk-episode-212/
~Summary in 2006 @ http://tv.winelibrary.com/2006/1 ... tv-instant-classic/

Gary Vaynerchuk's videos on Winelibrary TV (http://tv.winelibrary.com) are quite good and funny.  If u have UNLIMITED internet download, it's worth watching all his ~600 episodes(for now).       
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-25 09:53 | 只看该作者
1. 西瓜酒 @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=1944968#post1944968
2. 香槟/气酒 (Champagne/Sparkling Wine) @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=602717

3. 苹果酒 (Cider), also called Apple Cider or Hard Cider:

a. Can be made from fresh apples when in season,
-  Chinese method, reference 如何酿制葡萄酒 http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=1643977#post1643977, or
-  Western methods, search for recipes on web.

b. Cider Kits (same size as beer kit), hidden in the beer kit piles, e.g. http://www.mrbeer.com/category-exec/category_id/12

c. John000's Recipe @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=2090485#post2090485
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-25 09:09 | 只看该作者

Basic Info on Beer/Wine Making at home

Sample info on beer:
Varieties on beer kits(small cans) :  http://www.thebrewhouse.com/technical/index.htm
Written Instruction for beer kits: http://rjspagnols.com/resource_view.asp?HandoutID=40
* Note: some beer kits instruct adding corn sugar directly into beer bottles (ref. step 13 in above link)
* Many alternatives to alter beer kits, search web or books in library. Have fun!

Sample info on wine:
Varieties of fresh grape juices (=frozen must):  http://www.mostimondiale.com/english/products_fresh_juice.htm
Written Instruction for wine kits: http://www.winexpert.com/~ASSETS ... ve-instructions.pdf
Video on wine kits: http://rjspagnols.com/video/wine_cruselect_video.asp
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