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请教高人-关于Quebec prescrition drug insurance plan是否属于medical expenses

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发表于 2009-2-25 00:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
08年的税务评估说我应该交500多元的premium payable,我在今年保税的时候是否可以把它看成medical expenses? 感谢高人指点
发表于 2009-2-26 22:49 | 只看该作者
应该包括在联邦2008年和魁省2007年的medical expenses之中。我想,魁省的也许已经把这包括在里面,请你仔细读读这个Notice of Assesement。否则,唯一的办法是对你2007年魁省做一个Adjustment. 你不可能将你的12个月设为2007年1月1日到2007年12月31日,如果这样,你今年的medical expenses,不能做任何的deduction.
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发表于 2009-2-25 16:05 | 只看该作者
Post by v_buzzer;2163863
感谢两位回复。我想把我的问题再澄清一下,我今年用ufile和quicktax软件保税的时候,在medical expenses部分我还需要把08年春天收到的魁省notice of assessment上的政府drug insurance plan premium payable的数字列到这里么? 谢谢


drug insurance plan premium payable的数字不能直接填入 Line 381,而是要填 Schedule B 的 C 部分,经过计算,是正数,才能填入省税表的 Line 381.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-25 16:01 | 只看该作者
那个Premium 政府在去年给我的评估结果里已经考虑进去了,并在退税时作了相应的扣减,我就是想问那个费用是否可以在今年报2008年的时候算作Medical Expenses?
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发表于 2009-2-25 13:12 | 只看该作者
Post by v_buzzer;2163863
感谢两位回复。我想把我的问题再澄清一下,我今年用ufile和quicktax软件保税的时候,在medical expenses部分我还需要把08年春天收到的魁省notice of assessment上的政府drug insurance plan premium payable的数字列到这里么? 谢谢
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-25 12:03 | 只看该作者
感谢两位回复。我想把我的问题再澄清一下,我今年用ufile和quicktax软件保税的时候,在medical expenses部分我还需要把08年春天收到的魁省notice of assessment上的政府drug insurance plan premium payable的数字列到这里么? 谢谢
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发表于 2009-2-25 09:09 | 只看该作者
Post by v_buzzer;2163581
08年的税务评估说我应该交500多元的premium payable,我在今年保税的时候是否可以把它看成medical expenses? 感谢高人指点

没错!参见魁省报税指南 Line 381.

魁省医药保险.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 344)

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发表于 2009-2-25 08:02 | 只看该作者

If any of the situations listed below applied to you in 2008, you do not have to complete this schedule or pay a premium, but you must enter the number
corresponding to your situation in box 449 of your return. If you wish to pay your spouse’s premium, complete this schedule.
14 You were covered throughout the year by basic prescription drug insurance provided by a group insurance plan (see line 447 in the guide).
16 You were covered throughout the year by basic prescription drug insurance provided by a group insurance plan of which your spouse, your father or your
mother was a member.
18 You received social assistance payments (last-resort financial assistance benefits) throughout the year.
20 Your spouse has provided the required information about you in section 2 of Part B of his or her Schedule K and has chosen to pay your premium (if applicable).
22 Throughout the year, you were under 18 years of age and were not married.
24 You were an Indian registered with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, or were recognized as an Inuk by that department.
26 Throughout the year, you were a beneficiary under the ***** Bay and Northern Québec Agreement or the Northeastern Québec Agreement.
29 You were born before January 1, 1944; your spouse on December 31, 2008, was born before January 1, 1949; and the amount of net federal supplements on
line 148 of your return is over $4,764.
31 You were born before January 1, 1944; you did not have a spouse on December 31, 2008, or if you did, he or she was born after December 31, 1948; and the
amount of net federal supplements on line 148 of your return is over $7,215.
32 You did not have a spouse on December 31, 2008, and the amount on line 275 of your return is $13,760 or less.
34 You had a spouse on December 31, 2008, and the total of the amounts on line 275 of your return and your spouse’s return is $22,310 or less.

http://www.revenu.gouv.qc.ca/doc ... .d.k-v(2008-12).pdf

这个在你的魁省报税工资单上box J有没有数字。如果没有数字,你就要交这个税。还有问题给我打电话:514-5812231。小曹。

Post by v_buzzer;2163581
08年的税务评估说我应该交500多元的premium payable,我在今年保税的时候是否可以把它看成medical expenses? 感谢高人指点
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