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[枫叶卡] 请问:拿中国护照,加拿大枫叶卡,如何申请英国签证?

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发表于 2004-5-25 20:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2009-6-1 21:11 | 只看该作者


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-6-11 19:17 | 只看该作者

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-6-11 16:19 | 只看该作者



如果您使用中国公民的普通护照出行旅游:那么您需要英国签证。这还包括那些过境英国,而且那些不通过英国移民海关的旅行者。   如果您使用中国公民的公务或外交护照出行:您需要英国的入境签证,但是如果过境英国,您则不需要签证。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-6-11 13:52 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-6-11 13:29 | 只看该作者


[url=\"http://sonicwithtails.photo.163.com/\"] [/url]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-3-10 07:22 | 只看该作者
申请表+照片+邀请信+邀请人的护照复印件+申请者银行资金证明(除非一切费用由邀请方出,那么邀请方出示资金证明)+往返机票证明(电子票就可以了)+申请费用(单/多次往返), 寄签或者面签,面签要提前预约,所以寄签比较省事.详细的网站上都有具体指导,按照网站上的步骤就可以了.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-3-9 23:39 | 只看该作者
Documents Required

In order for your application to be accepted by our office, please ensure you have:

  • the relevant [url=http://uk.sitestat.com/fcoweb/brithighcomm/s?postcauk.kexternallink.nav_home.ser_services.ser_visa.serv_visaappldocreq.www_visa4uk_fco_gov_uk_ApplyNow_aspx&ns_type=clickout&ns_url=[http://www.britishhighcommission.gov.uk/servlet/ExternalLinkURLRedirectServlet?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk%2FApplyNow.aspx&LinkMap=0&linkname=PostCA_eapplication&referpagename=Documents+Required]]e-application[/url] form;
  • enclosed the correct entry clearance fee(s) plus the $15.00 shipping & handling fee in Canadian dollars (see Fees leaflet). Our fees are non-refundable and are subject to change without notice. If you have not paid online then please include a money order or certified cheque made payable to the British High Commission (we are unable to accept personal cheques). If applying in person by appointment then you may pay by debit or credit* card only (*Visa or MasterCard);
  • enclosed one recent passport size photograph (your recent photograph must be taken in Canada and be less than 6 months old). The photo must show the full face centred in the middle of the photo; be clear and of good quality; be taken against a light background; be printed on normal photographic paper; be 45mm x 35mm in size; and be black and white or colour. Note: Professional digital photographs are acceptable;
  • your original valid passport;
  • your previous passport if your current one was issued less than a year ago;
  • your original Canadian Immigration document (e.g., original Canadian Permanent Resident card);
  • enclosed all the supporting documents listed in the relevant leaflet (below).
Please note: any birth/marriage/death/divorce certificates submitted to our office must be an original or a notarised copy and must be government-issued.

We strongly advise that you do not purchase a non-refundable air-ticket before your UK entry clearance application has been finalised. The British High Commission cannot accept responsibility for any financial loss, which may result from a missed travel date.

The following leaflets clearly state what supporting documents you must submit with your application. Following our guidelines and submitting the documents we have listed greatly reduces the processing time in reaching a decision with your application. For further information please also refer to UKvisas Information leaflets.

Please note that these are live documents and are constantly being reviewed and amended. The documents are for information only and no guarantee can be given as to their accuracy. In particular, it should be noted that the documents are guidance instructions and cannot be relied upon to determine the outcome of an individual application, which will be considered on its own facts, against the requirements of the [url=http://uk.sitestat.com/fcoweb/brithighcomm/s?postcauk.kexternallink.nav_home.ser_services.ser_visa.serv_visaappldocreq.www_ukvisas_gov_uk_servlet_Front_pagename_OpenMarket_Xcelerate_ShowPage_c_Page_cid_1006977150133&ns_type=clickout&ns_url=[http://www.britishhighcommission.gov.uk/servlet/ExternalLinkURLRedirectServlet?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ukvisas.gov.uk%2Fservlet%2FFront%3Fpagename%3DOpenMarket%2FXcelerate%2FShowPage%26c%3DPage%26cid%3D1006977150133&LinkMap=0&linkname=PostCA_UKImmigrationRules&referpagename=Documents+Required]]UK Immigration Rules[/url].

Visit and business visit

Please review the list of documents below before submitting your application. For further information regarding this entry clearance category please refer to [url=http://uk.sitestat.com/fcoweb/brithighcomm/s?postcauk.kexternallink.nav_home.ser_services.ser_visa.serv_visaappldocreq.docreq_businesvisit.www_ukvisas_gov_uk_servlet_Front_pagename_OpenMarket_Xcelerate_ShowPage_c_Page_cid_1018696642519&ns_type=clickout&ns_url=[http://www.britishhighcommission.gov.uk/servlet/ExternalLinkURLRedirectServlet?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ukvisas.gov.uk%2Fservlet%2FFront%3Fpagename%3DOpenMarket%2FXcelerate%2FShowPage%26c%3DPage%26cid%3D1018696642519&LinkMap=0&linkname=PostCA_VisitorsVisa&referpagename=Visit+and+business+visit]]UKvisas Information leaflet-Visitors[/url]It is your responsibility to satisfy the Entry Clearance Officer that you meet all the criteria of the category under which you are applying. It is in your interest to ensure that you are fully prepared before submitting an application. An Entry Clearance Officer will base their decision to issue or refuse on the documents you submit.

Please send:

  • printed [url=http://uk.sitestat.com/fcoweb/brithighcomm/s?postcauk.kexternallink.nav_home.ser_services.ser_visa.serv_visaappldocreq.docreq_businesvisit.www_visa4uk_fco_gov_uk_ApplyNow_aspx&ns_type=clickout&ns_url=[http://www.britishhighcommission.gov.uk/servlet/ExternalLinkURLRedirectServlet?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk%2FApplyNow.aspx&LinkMap=0&linkname=PostCA_eapplication&referpagename=Visit+and+business+visit]]e-application[/url] VAF1
  • the appropriate fee, which is non-refundable (see Fees leaflet)
  • your original valid passport
  • your previous passport if your current one was issued less than a year ago
  • your original Canadian Immigration document (e.g. original Canadian Permanent Resident Card)
  • one recent passport size photograph taken in Canada (less than 6 months old). The photo must show the full face centred in the middle of the photo; be clear and of good quality; be taken against a light background; be printed on normal photographic paper; be 45mm x 35mm in size; and be black and white or colour. Note: Professional digital photographs are acceptable.
  • evidence of the funds available for your visit (e.g. recent bank statements for at least the past 3 months)
  • a letter from your employer giving details of your employment, stating the length of your holiday and that you will be re-employed on return or if self-employed, evidence of your business registration
  • a letter from your school/college showing that you are enrolled as a student and will be returning to your studies
  • evidence of your flight bookings or itinerary from your travel agent
  • a list of your family members, to include where they live and their relationship to you
  • a note stating the purpose of your visit to the UK
  • a letter of invitation from your sponsor
  • a note stating whether you have any intention to reside or work in the UK
  • children under the age of 18 accompanied by an adult must provide a letter from their parents or legal guardian stating that they support the application; they are responsible for the child's care in their home country or country of residence and giving full details (full name and passport number) of who the child is travelling with. The visa will identify the adult(s) with whom the child is travelling. Please note that the child's visa will be invalid if the child is not travelling with at least one of the named adults on their visa. Up to two adults can be named on the visa. In addition, we require a letter from the sponsor in the UK demonstrating that there are adequate arrangements for the child's care in the UK.
  • children under the age of 18 unaccompanied by an adult must provide a letter from their parents or legal guardian stating that they support the application; they are responsible for the child's care in their home country or country of residence and are aware that the child is travelling unaccompanied. The visa will identify that the child is travelling unaccompanied. Please note that the child's visa will be invalid if the child is travelling accompanied by an adult and that adult's details are not noted on the child's visa. In addition, we require a letter from the sponsor in the UK demonstrating that there are adequate arrangements for the child's care in the UK.

<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD>[url=http://uk.sitestat.com/fcoweb/brithighcomm/s?postcauk.kfile.nav_home.ser_services.ser_visa.serv_visaappldocreq.docreq_businesvisit.Visit-feb07_pdf&ns_type=pdf&ns_url=[http://www.fco.gov.uk/Files/kfile/Visit-feb07.pdf]][/url] </TD><TD>[url=http://uk.sitestat.com/fcoweb/brithighcomm/s?postcauk.kfile.nav_home.ser_services.ser_visa.serv_visaappldocreq.docreq_businesvisit.Visit-feb07_pdf&ns_type=pdf&ns_url=[http://www.fco.gov.uk/Files/kfile/Visit-feb07.pdf]]Visit and business visit  (PDF, 20.4 KB) [/url]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-3-9 20:46 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-3-7 21:07 | 只看该作者


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